Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
There are many infectious diseases which are spread by sexual contact, called Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) e.g. AIDS, Hepatitis, genital warts etc.
STDs occur mostly in the individuals who are involved in sexual activities with many partners.
(i) The people should be educated about various STDs.
(ii) Avoid multiple sexual partners.
(iii) No sex without proper precaution.
(iv) Finding sources of infection and treating them.
The prevention of pregnancy in women is called contraception.
(i) By educating people about the advantages of small family.
(ii) Raising the age of marriage can help in reducing population growth.
(iii) By family planning.
Intercourse is safe for a week before and week after menstruation.
(i) It includes use of condoms which are the rubber or plastic sheets put on the penis before coital activity.
(ii) Use of diaphragms or cervical caps fitted in vagina of female to check the entry of sperms into the uterus and also helps in avoiding conception.
(iii) Use of IUCD i.e., Intra Uterine Contraceptive Devices like copper T and loops fitted in the uterus, help to prevent fertilization and implantation of embryo. They can cause side effects due to irritation or infection of uterus.
(i) It consists of using some chemicals which are spermicidal. They may be in form of tablets, jellies, paste and creams introduced in the vagina before coital activity.
(ii) Another chemical method is the use of oral contraceptive (OC) pills which inhibit the secretion of FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) and LH (Leutinising Hormone) from the anterior lobe of pituitary gland and thus inhibiting ovulation from the ovary. These contraceptives therefore change the hormonal balance so that egg cell is not released (inhibit ovulation) and hence prevent fertilization.
(i) Tubectomy involves cutting of fallopian tubes in females and Vasectomy involves cutting of vas deferens of each side in males.
(ii) Surgical removal of ovaries is known as ovariectomy and removal of testes is known as castration.
(iii) Another surgical method is MTP i.e. Medical Termination of Pregnancy or abortion.
(iv) Other method is tubal ligation in which fallopian tubes are blocked by an instrument called laproscope.
• In tubal ligation, the fallopian tubes are blocked but eggs continue to be produced because the ovaries are intact. Eggs fail to pass into the uterus and sperms fail to reach the eggs for fertilization.
• Amniocentesis is a prenatal diagnostic technique to determine the genetic disorders in the foetus. Amniocentesis is being misused to kill the normal female foetuses as it can help to detect the sex of foetus also. Determination of sex by amniocentesis has been banned.
(Session 2025 - 26)