The Flower: Parts and Functions
Sexual reproduction takes place through the agency of flowers in angiosperms (flowering plants).
Flower is a specialized condensed reproductive shoot of flowering plants on which the essential reproductive parts are inserted.
A typical flower has a stalk called a pedicel, which join it to stems. The upper most part of pedicel is wider and is known as thalamus. On the base of thalamus the different parts of the flower are arranged in rings and whorls. They are

(1) Calyx: It is the outermost whorl consisting of sepals. Sepals are green and leaf like structure. Calyx protects the flower bud before it opens.
(2) Corolla: It is the second whorl, inner to calyx, consisting of petals. Petals are generally large, coloured and showy. Corolla attracts insects for pollination.
Note : In some flowers sepals become coloured and are called petaloids.
(3) Androecium: It is the third whorl, inner to corolla, consisting of male reproductive parts called stamens.
Each stamen has two parts: Filament and anther. Anther is bilobed structure present at the tip of filament. The anther and filament are connected by a connective tissue. Each anther has pollen sacs which contain pollen grains.
(4) Gynoecium: It is the fourth and innermost whorl consisting of carpels. Carpel is present in the centre of flower.
Each carpel has three parts: Ovary, Style and Stigma.
Ovary is a swollen basal part of carpel. It contains ovules. Style is the middle part of the carpel. It has stigma above it and ovary below it. Stigma is the apical part of carpel. It receives pollen grains.
1.0Functions of Flower
(i) It is an organ of sexual reproduction and result in the formation of fruits and seeds. Seeds on germination give rise to new plants.
(ii) It is source of food for many insects e.g. Bees
(iii) They beautify the surrounding and provide aesthetic value.
Process in which pollen grains are transferred from the anther to the stigma.
Fertilization is the process of fusion of the male and female gametes to form a diploid zygote.
A fruit is a ripened ovary formed after fertilization.
Functions of Fruits
(i) The fruit wall gives protection to the seeds and therefore, to the embryo in two ways.
(a) When young, its green colour keeps it hidden under the green foliage, and
(b) When mature, its coloured, soft and fragrant fruit wall attracts the agents for the dispersal of fruits and seeds.
(ii) The fruit is a store house of food material.
(iii) The fruit helps in the dispersal of seeds.
(iv) We eat fruits as a food like Peach, apple, tomato, brinjal etc.
Note: Clove is an edible flower bud.
A seed is a fertilised ripened ovule. Seeds contain the embryo (future plant) and stored food. The seed is covered by a tough covering called the testa. Food may be stored in persistent endosperm or a thick, fleshy, wing-like structure called the cotyledon.
Edible seeds are Fenugreek, Sesame, Cardamom, Cumin, Rajma, Pea, Soyabean etc.
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(Session 2025 - 26)