A diary entry is a form of writing in which a person records an account of the day. We write about important and significant events of our lives. As a diary entry is a record of our personal feelings it is considered to be a personal document. It is a record of events, and observations in a highly personalized manner. It is wrapped around creative thoughts and is basically the outpouring of what one feels or has experienced. A diary entry can be written on a daily basis or at intervals, depending on the inclination of the writer.
To be written inside a box
Sunday, 10 January, 20×× 5 a.m. Dear Diary Gosh! What a dream! I'm still sweating. What a strange grip dreams have on people like me. And who says they are far from reality? I hope nothing happens, the way everything happened in my dream. I am on my way to school as usual. Surprisingly, the roads are absolutely deserted. No honking, no jostling, no traffic. I manage to reach the school and the guard smiles at me mysteriously. I run to my classroom and I find that there are bags, but no children. When I peep out of the window, I see the morning assembly is in progress. Surprisingly, I can't hear the prayer or the school band. I wonder, why? After sometime, I approach my House teacher, Mrs Was an. Thankfully, her face lights up the moment, she sees me. "Arun, I hope you are well-prepared!" I nod in the affirmative. Arun
(Session 2025 - 26)