A noun is a part of speech that helps us to name anything that we see around us. It can be the name of a person, place, thing, animal, emotion or quality. Often a noun is the name for something we can touch (e.g., 'lion', 'cake', 'computer'), but sometimes a noun names something we cannot touch (e.g., 'bravery', 'smile', 'joy').
Here are some examples of nouns.
Person: soldier, Ayan, cousin, lawyer
Place: house, London, factory, shelter
Objects: bed, flowerpot, candle, chisel, umbrella
Animals: Lion, Rat, Shark, Monkey
Ideas: confusion, kindness, faith, Theory of Relativity, joy
Proper Nouns are words that denote the names of a particular person, place, thing, animal or idea.
A Common Noun refers to persons, places or things that are of the same kind. Common nouns do not identify specific people, places or things but refer to them in a general way.
Sometimes we use a noun to refer to a large number of similar things or people. Such a word functions as a Collective noun. Examples: We were lucky to spot a 'herd of elephants' bathing in a pond. I can't find a single key; I think, I have lost the entire 'bunch'. In the sentences given above, the noun 'herd' refers to a group of elephants; the noun 'bunch' refers to several keys together.
It is the name of substances or materials used for making things. Examples: water, iron, steel, sugar, wood, etc. Bread is made from flour.
Abstract nouns represent things that are intangible and cannot be seen or touched. These nouns could be names of a quality (honesty, intelligence, etc.), a state (sickness, poverty, etc.) or a concept (flight, love, etc). Examples: 'Laziness' is one of the worst vices. There is no escaping 'difficulty' in life.
There are a few other kinds of nouns too. Some have been discussed below. (a) Countable Abstract Nouns: Appointment, blessing, correction, distraction, effort, fraction, greeting, hope, impulse, joke, loss, mood, notion, order, privilege, etc. Remember, a determiner is necessary before a singular, countable abstract noun. (b) Uncountable Abstract Nouns: Awareness, caution, dearth, elegance, freshness, gusto, health, ignorance, justice, keenness, laziness, meekness, narrowness, poverty, etc. Remember, never use an indefinite article before an uncountable, abstract noun.
A. How many books have you read? I have read three books.
B. How many boys are there? There are eight boys.
In the above examples, books and boys are countable nouns.
A. How much sugar do you want? I want one teaspoonful sugar.
B. How much water is in the bucket? There is about five litre of water.
In the above examples, 'sugar' and 'water' are uncountable nouns.
Nouns can be either singular or plural in number.
Look at the following tables closely to learn about how we make plural forms of different nouns.
However, there are some words which end in ' f ' but do not follow the rule mentioned above. These words are made plural simply by adding 's'. The following is a list of such words.
However the following words, though ending in ' o ', do not follow the rule mentioned above. They take 's' at the end and not 'es'.
Some nouns do not follow the usual rules for forming their plurals. Sometimes these words change their spelling in a different way or do not change at all to make plurals.
Foot (singular) — Feet (plural) Look at the following table for more such irregular plural forms.
Nouns ending in 'is' The plural is formed by changing the ending form 'is' to 'es'.
Nouns ending in 'on' The plural is formed by dropping the -on from the singular and then adding the suffix ' a '.
| Criterion | Criteria | Phenomenon | Phenomena |
Nouns ending in 'um' The plural is formed by dropping the -um from the singular and then adding the suffix 'a'.
Gender is the quality of a noun or a pronoun that classifies it as masculine, feminine, common or neuter gender. My sister, Soma and Mr Bukhari's son, Sushil are friends. They went to the same school. In the above lines:
Thus, by merely looking at the words we know whether someone is a 'male' or 'female' OR it is a 'non-living thing' OR it is a 'class name that can refer to both male and female'. The quality that helps us to identify the above in nouns is called gender. There are four genders.
By using a completely different word.
By the formation of compound words, i.e., by adding another word to the feminine noun. washer + man = washerman (masculine) washer + woman = washerwoman (feminine)
Some words have a slightly different form than those mentioned earlier for their feminine genders.
Example: India has always been proud of her brave daughters and sons.
Example: The Titanic sank after she hit a massive block of submerged ice. Common gender refers to either male or female. Look at the list of words denoting common gender.
(Session 2025 - 26)