The picture composition is usually divided into three patterns where a student is asked to describe a picture or make a story out of it or to express and elaborate upon the thoughts and feelings suggested by the given picture.
The picture can be a photograph, an action scene, a quote written over a picture or a scene or a sketch of a famous personality.
To attempt this type of question one must remember to:
Observe the pictures carefully.
Try and pick out the message conveyed through the pictures.
Note down the points to be mentioned in rough before writing the fair answer.
Organise ideas, edit them and then attempt the fair answer.
Follow the given word limit strictly.
2.0Parts of a Picture Composition
Body of the composition
Positive Conclusion
It can be- A story based on the picture:
(i) Since a story must have a basic plot, characters and an atmosphere, invent them on the basis of the theme of the picture.
(ii) In order to appeal to the reader's imagination, show that you are one of the characters in the picture.
(iii) Show your interaction with other characters.
(iv) Remember that the story must have an atmosphere, a climax and a resolution.
Description based on the picture:
(i) Mere description of the picture is not accepted.
(ii) Pay attention to the details, such as facial expressions, gestures, clothes, postures, etc. as shown in the picture. These will help you to have a better understanding of the theme suggested by the picture.
(iii) Begin your description by concentrating on the details given in the picture and then widen the focus to take a broader view.
(iv) Establish interesting connections between the details chosen by you, and the picture as a whole.
An account of thoughts and feelings suggested by the picture
Here the picture becomes a starting point, giving the writer freedom to use his imagination. In the introduction a brief description of the stimulus of the picture and its immediate effect on the writer is to be written.
Thoughts and feelings triggered off by the picture must be mentioned in the body of the composition.
At the end, round off the thoughts, feelings and insights.
3.0Solved Example
Mother is a home-maker, yet she has such a busy schedule that she hardly gets any time
for herself. Based on the given visuals prepare a daily schedule of your mother.
Ans. My mother, Mrs. Neha is a house-maker. She does not go out to work, yet she is not less busy than any other woman who goes out to work. She has so many things to look after that she hardly gets any time for herself. Her daily chores include cooking the meals, laying the table, making the beds, tidying the room, cleaning the bath, washing the dishes and much more.
She begins her day by cooking meals for the family. After serving breakfast and packing tiffin for father and all of us, she cleans the house. She makes the bed and cleans the bathroom.
By the time we return home, she has already laid the table for us. After we get up from our afternoon nap, she makes us do our homework. By the time father returns from his office, she has already cooked dinner. Her day ends when she lays the table and makes the beds for us. I think she must be helped in the household work so that she also gets some time to spend in her hobbies.
A picture composition is a way to describe a given picture or to make a story out of it. Sometimes, it is also used to express and elaborate the thoughts and feelings suggested by the given picture.
A picture composition consists of three parts:
Body of the composition
The picture can be a photograph, an action scene, a quote written over a picture or a scene or a sketch of a famous personality.
A picture composition is written to highlight the uniqueness of the given picture.
It requires a wide range of imagination, creativity, good hold on vocabulary and the ability to sequence all the events together.