In preparation for any exam, practising sample papers is crucial. The more you practice, the better you understand the subject and its concepts, leading to higher scores. Therefore, as you prepare for the Class 10 CBSE board exam, you must enhance your grasp of the subjects by practising with sample papers from the latest and previous years. These sample papers are meticulously crafted to reflect the latest CBSE class 10 exam pattern, providing a realistic preview of the exam. The CBSE Board has uploaded the sample papers for the 2024-25 session on the official website.
This article compiles Class 10 CBSE sample papers for class 10 for all subjects, crafted by ALLEN subject matter experts, and also by the officials to help you excel and achieve high scores.
The CBSE has released the sample papers for the upcoming exam. These papers are available in downloadable PDF format and are based on the actual exam pattern. You can check the CBSE class 10 sample papers 2024-25 in PDFs along with the marking scheme below. The sample papers for the year 2025 were released in November 2024 based on the latest CBSE Class 10 syllabus and exam format.
Whether preparing for a competitive exam, school exam, or Olympiad, practising with practice papers can boost your confidence to perform well. It's essential to solve CBSE Class 10 Sample Papers that mimic the exam pattern. The more you practice, the better you'll understand and master the concepts and fundamentals outlined in the CBSE Class 10 curriculum. The table below provides a PDF file of both sample papers and the marking scheme for the sessions 2023-24 and 2022-23.
Additional Study Material:
Most questions in past Class 10 CBSE exams have been based on NCERT content. It is important to stay informed about the latest changes in NCERT. However, a common question is where to download these papers. What is the best platform to access the CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10? Access a comprehensive set of additional subject-wise sample papers for Class 10 CBSE exams prepared by ALLEN’s expert faculty. These papers are meticulously designed to match the board exam pattern, providing students with targeted practice and a clear understanding of the exam questions they may encounter so that they can boost their confidence on exam day.
You can easily download the CBSE Class 10 sample papers in PDF format from the official website by following these steps:
Practising sample question papers before exams can significantly increase your chances of achieving favourable outcomes. Here are the benefits of solving Class 10 Sample Question Papers:
(Session 2025 - 26)