Have you ever wondered why when an object moves across the surface of another object it tends to come to a rest position without any external force acting on it. Have you not watched a ball roll along the ground only to come to a halt after a while? What makes a wet and smooth surface so difficult to walk on? This chapter will give you answers to such questions. Friction chapter class 8, explains friction and examines the reasons for it and its effects on various surfaces.
Students can access the friction class 8 NCERT pdf questions and answers designed from ALLEN’S best faculties from the table provided below. Friction class 8 NCERT solutions reduce the complex questions and improve the skills of problem-solving to the extent that students are well-prepared for the exams.
NCERT Solutions Class 8 Science Chapter 9 offers step-by-step solutions to all the exercises thereby helping the students navigate the topic of friction with ease. Solving friction class 8 extra questions will help students to strengthen their concepts, if they practice these questions regularly and will also boost their confidence.
(Session 2025 - 26)