All living organisms require food to grow, repair damaged parts of their bodies and get the energy to carry out life processes. Plants can make food themselves, but animals, including humans, cannot. Animals get ready-made food from plants or from animals that eat plants. Thus, humans and animals directly or indirectly depend on plants for food.
Nutrition is the process of taking and utilizing food. There are two modes of nutrition :
Autotrophic nutrition : (auto-self; trophies - nourishment)
Heterotrophic Nutrition : (heteros-other; trophos-nourishment)
Green plants require four things (sunlight, chlorophyll, carbon dioxide and water ) to prepare food.
Functions of stomata
Synthesis of food other than carbohydrates
Some plants lack chlorophyll, so they cannot synthesize their own food. Like humans and animals, these plants depend on the food produced by other plants. They follow a heterotrophic mode of nutrition.
Examples of fungi are:
(Session 2025 - 26)