NCERT Solutions
Class 7 Science Chapter 2 - Nutrition in Animals

NCERT Solutions Class 7 Science Chapter 2 - Nutrition in Animals

Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals explains how animals obtain and utilize nutrients for energy and growth. The chapter covers different modes of nutrition, such as herbivorous, carnivorous, and omnivorous diets, along with a detailed look at the human digestive system and its functioning. 

It is important for students to solve Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals Question Answers, as it helps them gain a deeper understanding of the concepts and enhances their ability to apply this knowledge in various contexts. Regular practice also improves accuracy and performance in exams, as it reinforces learning and clarifies any doubts related to the digestion process and nutrition in animals. For this, the best practice tool is NCERT Solutions Class 7 Science, as it provides detailed answers to all the questions in the NCERT textbook, helping students grasp the concepts thoroughly and excel in their studies.

In this article, you can find step-by-step solutions curated by some of India’s best subject-matter experts from ALLEN, who have taught thousands of students over the years for various competitive exams.

1.0NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 2 PDF

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NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 2 - Nutrition in Animals

2.0What Will Students Learn in Chapter 2: Nutrition in Animals?

  • Modes of animal nutrition depending on the types of food: for example, herbivores, carnivores and omnivores.
  • Structure and functioning of the human digestive system, covering the processes of ingestion, digestion, absorption and assimilation.
  • How nutrition is implemented in other species of organisms such as ruminants, and also certain unicellular organisms.
  • Nutrients functions with respect to energy production, body growth and maintenance.
  • Different organisms exhibit different feeding patterns.

Frequently Asked Questions

Human digestion refers to the process through which food is broken down both mechanically and enzymatically, beginning from the mouth continuing through the esophagus to the stomach and intestines, where absorption of nutrients and elimination of waste occurs.

Digestion is dependent on enzymes since it is these that assist in the breakdown of bigger molecular structures such as carbohydrates, fats and even protein, into other smaller structures that can be taken up by the body.

The small intestine is lined with numerous tiny finger-like structures known as villi to facilitate and increase the surface area for absorption for better uptake of nutrients to the blood circulation.

Herbivores have a longer digestive tract to break down plant materials, which are harder to digest, whereas carnivores have a shorter, more acidic digestive system to efficiently digest meat.


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