Rational Numbers
Natural numbers
Counting numbers 1,2,3,4,5,.....are known as natural numbers. The set of all natural numbers can be represented by
Whole numbers
If we include 0 among the natural numbers, then the numbers 0,1,2,3,4,5…....are called whole numbers. The set of whole numbers can be represented by
Clearly, every natural number is a whole number but 0 is a whole number which is not a natural number. So, every whole number is not a natural number.
All counting numbers and their negatives including zero are known as integers. The set of integers can be represented by
Z or I={…..,−4,−3,−2,−1,0,1,2,3,4,…...}
Positive integers
The set I+={1,2,3,4,….}isthesetofallpositiveintegers.Clearly,positiveintegersand natural numbers are synonyms.
Negative integers
The set I−={…..,−3,−2,−1} is the set of all negative integers. 0 is neither positive nor negative.
A number which can be expressed in the form qp, where p,q are whole numbers and q=0 is called a fraction.
E.g. 43,21,197 etc.
- All whole numbers are integers but not all the integers are whole numbers.
- All natural numbers are whole numbers but not all the whole numbers are natural numbers.
A number which can be expressed in the form qp, where
p,q are integers and q=0 is called a rational number.
E.g. 32,9−7,−3,0,1 etc.
3.0Standard form of rational number
A rational number is said to be in standard form if its denominator is positive and it is in the lowest terms.
Steps to express given rational number in standard form :
Step 1 : If not already so, make the denominator of the given rational number positive.
Step 2 : Divide both the numerator and the denominator by their HCF.
- Q. Write the following rational numbers in their standard form.
(i) 2−6
(ii) −5−3
(iii) 273
(iv) −873
(v) 0.4
(i) 2−6=−3=1−3
(ii) −5−3=(−5)÷(−1)(−3)÷(−1)=53
(iii) 273=717
(iv) −873=7−59
(v) 0.4=104=52
- If denominators of two rational numbers are same, then lesser the numerator, lesser the rational number will be and greater the numerator, greater the rational number will be.
E.g., 115<117 and 11−5>11−7
- If numerators of two rational numbers are same then after writing the rational numbers in standard form:
- If both the rational numbers are -ve then; rational numbers with smaller denominators will be smaller and rational numbers with greater denominator will be greater.
E.g., 2−6<5−6
- If both the rational numbers are +ve then, rational number with smaller denominator will be greater and rational number with greater denominator will be smaller.
E.g., 26>56
4.0Properties of rational numbers
Closure property
(i) The sum of two rational numbers is again a rational number.
E.g. 9−2+97=9(−2)+7=95, a rational number.
Thus, rational numbers are closed under addition.
(ii) The difference of two rational numbers is again a rational number.
E.g., 32−87=2416−21=24−5, a rational number.
Thus, rational numbers are closed under subtraction.
(iii) The product of two rational numbers is again a rational number, E.g., 65×(4−3)=24−15=8−5, a rational number.
Thus, rational numbers are closed under multiplication.
(iv) When a rational number is divided by a non-zero rational number, a rational number is obtained.
E.g., 53÷(7−4)=53×(4−7)=20−21, a rational number.
But, division of a rational number by zero is not defined.
Thus, rational numbers are not closed under division.
Commutative Property
(i) The sum of two rational numbers remains the same even if the order in which they are added is changed.
E.g., 75+(10−9)=7050−63=70−13
So, 75+(10−9)=(10−9)+75
Thus, the addition of rational numbers is commutative.
(ii) The difference of two rational numbers is not the same if the order in which they are subtracted is changed.
E.g., 53−74=3521−20=351
So, 53−74=74−53
Thus, the subtraction of rational numbers is not commutative.
(iii) The product of two rational numbers remains the same even if the order in which they are multiplied is changed.
E.g., 92×(7−3)=63−6=21−2
So, 92×(7−3)=(7−3)×92
Thus, the product of rational numbers is commutative.
(iv) The quotient of two rational numbers is not the same if the order in which they are divided is changed.
E.g., 53÷(7−4)=53×(4−7)=20−21
(7−4)÷(53)=7−4×35=21−20 So, 53÷(7−4)=(7−4)÷(53)
Thus, the division of rational numbers is not commutative.
(i) Yes,
(ii) Yes, Yes
(iii) Yes, No, No
(iv) Yes, Yes
Associative Property
(i) The sum of three or more rational numbers remains the same even if the order in which they are grouped is changed.
E.g., (4−3+75)+(14−9)=(28−21+20)+(14−9)
So, (4−3+75)+(14−9)=4−3+[75+(14−9)]
Thus, the addition of rational numbers is associative.
(ii) The difference of three or more rational numbers is not the same if the order in which they are grouped is changed.
E.g., (83−72)−65=(5621−16)−65
So, (83−72)−65=83−(72−65)
Thus, the subtraction of rational numbers is not associative.
(iii) The product of three or more rational numbers remains the same even if the order in which they are grouped is changed.
E.g., [52×(3−1)]×(11−7)=(15−2)×(11−7)=16514
So, [52×(3−1)]×(11−7)=52×[3−1×(11−7)]
Thus, the product of rational numbers is associative.
(iv) The quotient of three or more rational numbers is not the same if the order in which they are grouped is changed.
E.g., (83÷72)÷65=(83×27)÷65=1621÷65=1621×56=4063
So, (83÷72)÷65=83÷(72÷65)
Thus, the division of rational numbers is not associative.
: "While adding / subtracting, three or more rational numbers, we group them in such a way that, each group contains a pair of rational numbers with a common denominator or their denominators have a common divisor."- Q. Rearrange suitably and add: 116+7−2+73+119+75
Let us rearrange the numbers suitably to make addition easier.
Now, 1115+76=77105+66=77171
- Q. Rearrange suitably and multiply: 7−16×115×−1621×4022
Additive inverse and Multiplicative inverse
Special numbers 0 and 1
If we add 0 to any rational number, the sum is the number itself.
E.g., 65+0=0+65
Zero is called the additive identity of rational numbers.If we multiply a rational number by 1 , then the product is the number itself.
E.g., 11−9×1=1×(11−9)=11−9
One is called the multiplicative identity of rational numbers.
Additive inverse of a rational number
If ba is a rational number, then there exists a rational number −ba such that, ba+(b−a)=0.
ba and −ba are said to be the additive inverse or negative of each other.
E.g., 116+(11−6)=116−6=0
Thus, 116 and −116 are the additive inverse of each other.Multiplicative inverse of a rational number
If ba is a rational number, then there exists a rational number ab such that, ba×ab=1.ba
and ab are said to be the multiplicative inverse or reciprocal of each other. (a=0)
E.g., 5−2, the multiplicative inverse is 2−5, so that (5−2)×(2−5)=1.- Multiplicative inverse of +ve rational number is always the +ve.
- Multiplicative inverse of -ve rational number is always the -ve.
- 0 has no multiplicative inverse.
- The multiplicative inverse of 1 and -1 are the numbers themselves.
Note: Multiplicative inverse of (−5) is not ' 5 ', it is (−51), and Additive inverse of (−5) is not (−51), it is ' 5 '.
- Q. Write the additive inverse of
(i) 86
(ii) 11−7
(iii) −178
(iv) −9−5
(v) 117
Additive inverse is a number with the same magnitude but opposite sign. So, the additive inverse are
(i) 8−6
(ii) 117
(iii) 178
(iv) 9−5
(v) 1−17
- Q. Is 0.7 the multiplicative inverse of 173 ?
173=710 and 0.7=107
Yes, 0.7 is the multiplicative inverse of 173.
Distributive property of multiplication
In general, for rational number a, b and c,
This property is known as distributive property of multiplication.
E.g., consider 3 rational numbers, −87,32 and 54.
and =(8−7×32)+(8−7×54)=(12−7)+(10−7)
So, 8−7×(32+54)=(8−7×32)+(8−7×54).
"Absolute value of a number is the value without its sign.
Eg.: Absolute value of 7(−3) is 73- Q. Solve using distributive property of multiplication.
5.0Rational numbers on the number line
To represent a rational number on the number line, divide each unit length on the number line into as many parts as the denominator of the rational number and move as many steps starting from 0 , on the number line as the numerator (towards the right for positive rational numbers and towards the left for negative rational numbers). Every rational number can be represented by a unique point on the number line.
E.g., Look at the following number line
Here, each unit length is divided into 5 equal parts.
- Q. Which rational number do the letters X,Y and Z represent on the following number line?
The points X and Y lie between 0 and -1 . The distance between 0 and -1 is divided into 5 equal parts.
So, Y represent 5−1 and X represent 5−3.
The point Z lies between 0 and 1 . The distance between 0 and 1 is divided into 5 equals parts.
So, Z represents 53.
- Q. Represent the following on the number line :
(i) 73
(ii) −58
(i) 73 will lie between 0 and 1 on the number line.
For 73, the denominator is 7 so, divide the distance between 0 and 1 into 7 equal parts. The points A, B, C, D, E and F do this. The point C represents 73.
(ii) −58=5−8=−153 lies between -1 and -2 on the number line.
As the denominator is 5 , we will divide the distance between -1 and -2 into 5 equal parts. The points A, B, C and D do this. The point B represents 5−8,−1 is same as 5−5 and -2 is 5−10.
6.0Rational numbers between two rational numbers
You already know that between two whole numbers or two integers, only a definite number of whole numbers or integer numbers exist.
But, it isn't the same for two rational numbers. There are innumerable rational numbers between any two rational numbers.
- Q. How many rational numbers lie between 0 and 1?
Divide the number line into 10 equal parts between the points 0 and 1 . We can easily see that, there are 9 points between 0 and 1, i.e.,
Again, divide the number line between 101 and 102 into 10 equal parts, we get.
We can further divide the number line between the points 10011 and 10012 into 10 equal parts. We get 1000111,1000112,1000113,1000114,1000115,1000116,1000117,1000118,1000119,
If we go on increasing the divisions between two rational numbers, we can accommodate an infinite number of rational numbers.
- Q. Find any 5 rational numbers between 2−1 and 21.
Let us write 2−1 as 10−5 and 21 as 105.
The rational numbers between these are
10−4,10−3,10−2,10−1,100,101,102,103 and 104.
Write any 5 rational numbers for the answer.
The numbers are 10−4,10−3,10−2,10−1,102.
- Q. Find any two rational numbers between 41 and 53.
First, find the equivalent rational numbers of both the given rational numbers by converting their denominators into a common denominator.
LCM of 4 and 5 is 20 .
41=4×51×5=205 and 53=5×43×4=2012
Two rational numbers between 41(=205) and 53(=2012) are 206 and 207
Note : "The rational numbers do not have a unique representation in the form qp, where p, q are integers and q=0. eg. 21=42=63=84, these are called equivalent rational numbers."
Alternate method
We can also use the idea of mean to find rational numbers between any two given rational numbers.
The number that is midway between the two given rational numbers, a and b(a<b) is the mean of a and b, i.e. x=[2a+b]
- Q. Find a rational number that is midway between 51 and 41.
We find the mean of the given rational numbers.
- Q. Find 3 rational numbers between 81 and 21.
Let r1 be a rational number between 81 and 21
So, we have 81<165<21.
Let r2 be a rational number between 165 and 21.
So, we have 81<165<3213<21.
Let r3 be a rational number between 165 and 3213.
So, we have, 81<165<6423<3213<21
Thus, 3 rational numbers between 81 and 21 are 165,6423 and 3213.
- Q. John bought 25 kg of rice and he used 143 kg on the first day, 421 kg on the second day. Find the quantity of rice left.
Total quantity of rice =25 kg.
Rice used on first day =143 kg=47 kg.
Rice used on second day =421 kg=29 kg
Remaining quantity of rice left =125−47−29
=4100−7−18=475=1843 kg.
- Q. Kriyaan reads 31 part of a book in 1 hour. How much part of the book will he read in 251 hours?
The part of the book read by Kriyaan in 1 hour =31
So, the part of the book read by him in 251 hours =251×31
- Q. John bought 25 kg of Rice and he used 143 kg on the first day, 421 kg on the second day. Find the remaining quantity of rice left.
Rice used on first day =143 kg
Rice used on second day =421 kg
Quantity of rice used on first day and second day:
Remaining quantity of rice left :
Remaining quantity of rice is 1843 kg.
- Q. There are 15000 books in a library. One-fifth of the book are English, two-third of the books are French and the rest are Spanish. Find the number of Spanish books in the library?
Fraction of books which are English and French =31+52
Least common multiple of (3,5)=15.
Make each denominator as 15 by multiplying each fraction by an appropriate number.
Fraction of books which are Spanish =154
Number of Spanish books in the library =154×15000
- Q. By what rational number should 12−7 be multiplied to get the product as 145 ?
Let the required number be ' x '.
Hence, the required number is −4930.