JEE Chemistry
Bonding Parameters

Bonding Parameters

Bonding parameters are fundamental aspects that describe the nature and strength of chemical bonds between atoms in a molecule. These parameters provide insights into molecular structure, stability, and reactivity. Here are the key bonding parameters in detail

1.0Bond Length

Bond length is the distance between the nuclei of two covalently bonded atoms. It represents the equilibrium distance where the attractive and repulsive forces between the atoms are balanced. Bond length is influenced primarily by the bond order, which is the number of shared electron pairs between two atoms. It is typically measured in picometers (pm) or angstroms (Å).

Image showing the bond length between 2 bonded atoms

Factors Affecting Bond Length:

  • Atomic Size: Larger atoms form longer bonds due to the increased distance between their nuclei.
  • Bond Order: Higher bond orders (e.g., double or triple bonds) result in shorter bond lengths due to the increased electron density pulling the atoms closer together.
  • Electronegativity: Differences in electronegativity between bonded atoms can affect bond length; polar bonds are often shorter due to greater attraction between atoms.
  • Significance: Bond length affects molecular geometry and physical properties like boiling and melting points.

2.0Bond Angle

Bond angles are the angles formed between adjacent bonds at the central atom in a molecule. The ideal bond angles depend on the electron domain geometry (the arrangement of all electron pairs, both bonding and non-bonding). 

Image showing the different bond angles in bonding parameters

Factors affecting Bond Angle:

  1. Hybridization: The hybridization state of the central atom (sp, sp², sp³, etc.) determines the ideal bond angle (e.g., 109.5° for sp³).
  2. Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR Theory):
  • Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) Theory: States that electron pairs (bonding and lone pairs) around a central atom will arrange themselves as far apart as possible to minimize repulsion.
  • Effect of Lone Pairs: Lone pairs occupy more space than bonding pairs, causing bond angles to decrease from their ideal values. For example, in a tetrahedral geometry (ideal bond angle 109.5°), the presence of lone pairs, like in ammonia (NH₃), reduces the bond angle to around 107°.
  1. Multiple Bonds:

Impact of Double and Triple Bonds: 

  • Multiple bonds have higher electron density than single bonds, causing increased repulsion and potentially altering bond angles. Double bonds, for example, can push bonded atoms further apart, slightly increasing bond angles adjacent to the double bond.

Bond angles influence the shape and overall geometry of a molecule, which affects reactivity and interactions with other molecules.

3.0Bond Energy (Bond Dissociation Energy)

Bond Energy, also known as Bond Dissociation Energy (BDE), is a critical concept in chemistry that quantifies the strength of a chemical bond. It represents the amount of energy required to break a specific bond in a molecule in the gas phase, leading to the separation of the bonded atoms into individual, neutral atoms. 

Bond Type


Bond Energy (kJ/mol)

Single Bonds



Single Bonds



Single Bonds



Double Bonds



Double Bonds



Triple Bonds



Triple Bonds



Factors Affecting Bond Energy:

  • Δ Electronegativity: Higher electronegativity differences increase bond polarity and bond energy due to stronger attractions between atoms.
  • Bond Order: Higher bond orders (double, triple bonds) result in stronger bonds with higher bond energies.
  • Atomic Size: Smaller atoms form stronger bonds with higher bond energies due to closer nuclear attraction.
  • Bond Polarity: Polar bonds, with uneven electron sharing, have stronger attractions and higher bond energies.
  • Resonance: Resonance delocalizes electrons, stabilizing the molecule and affecting bond energy by strengthening bonds.
  • Hybridization: Bonds with more s-character (e.g., sp) are shorter and stronger, leading to higher bond energies.
  • Lone Pair Electrons: Lone pairs create repulsion, weakening adjacent bonds and reducing bond energy.
  • Bond energy provides insight into the stability of a molecule and its reactivity. Stronger bonds typically result in more stable molecules.

4.0Bond Order

  • Bond order is the number of chemical bonds between a pair of atoms. For example, a single bond has a bond order of 1, a double bond has a bond order of 2, and a triple bond has a bond order of 3.

Image showing the bond order between 2 atoms

Factors Affecting Bond Order:

  • Electron Configuration: Bond order is determined by the distribution of electrons in bonding and antibonding molecular orbitals.
  • Resonance: In molecules with resonance structures, the bond order can be fractional due to delocalized electrons.
  • Bond order indicates bond strength and stability. Higher bond orders correspond to stronger, shorter bonds.

5.0Polarity of Bonds

Polarity refers to the distribution of electrical charge over the atoms joined by the bond.

This image illustrates the three types of chemical bonds:

Image showing the polarity of different bonds

  1. Polar Covalent Bonds: Bonds where electrons are shared unequally between atoms with different electronegativities, resulting in a partial positive charge on one atom and a partial negative charge on the other.

Example: H-Cl (hydrochloric acid) where chlorine is more electronegative than hydrogen.

  1. Nonpolar Covalent Bonds: Bonds where electrons are shared equally between two atoms with similar electronegativities, resulting in no permanent dipole moment.

Example: H-H (hydrogen gas) or C-H bonds in methane (CH₄).

  1. Ionic Bonds: Bonds are formed when one atom completely transfers one or more electrons to another, resulting in a bond between positively and negatively charged ions.

Factors Influencing Polarity:

  • Electronegativity Differences: A bond between two atoms with different electronegativities is polar, with a partial positive charge on the less electronegative atom and a partial negative charge on the more electronegative atom.
  • Molecular Geometry: The overall molecular shape can affect whether the dipoles cancel out (nonpolar) or reinforce each other (polar).
  • Significance: Bond polarity affects the solubility, melting point, boiling point, and reactivity of molecules, particularly in interactions with polar solvents or other polar molecules.

6.0Bond Polarity and Dipole Moment

  • Bond Polarity is a measure of how equally or unequally the electrons in a bond are shared between two atoms.
  • Dipole Moment: A quantitative measure of the polarity of a bond or a molecule, defined as the product of the charge difference and the distance between the charges, usually expressed in Debye units (D).

7.0Bond Length Variations (Multiple Bonds and Resonance)

  • Multiple Bonds: Double and triple bonds have different lengths than single bonds; double bonds are shorter than single bonds, and triple bonds are shorter than double bonds.
  • Resonance: In molecules where resonance structures are possible, bond lengths are often intermediate between single and double bond lengths (e.g., in benzene).

8.0Bond Enthalpy

Bond enthalpy is the average energy required to break one mole of a specific type of bond in a gaseous molecule, often an indicator of bond strength.

Image showing bond enthalpy

Factors affecting Bond Enthalpy:

  • Bond Type: Single, double, or triple bonds have varying bond enthalpies.
  • Molecular Environment: The surrounding molecular structure can affect the bond strength.
  • Bond enthalpy provides insight into chemical reaction mechanisms and reaction rates.
Frequently Asked Questions

Bonding parameters are properties that describe the characteristics of chemical bonds, such as bond length, bond angle, bond energy, bond order, and bond polarity. These parameters help understand the structure, stability, and reactivity of molecules.

Bond length is the distance between the nuclei of two bonded atoms. It is determined by the size of the atoms and the bond order; shorter bond lengths occur with higher bond orders (e.g., triple bonds are shorter than double bonds).

The bond angle is the angle between two adjacent bonds at an atom. It determines the shape of the molecule, affecting properties like polarity and reactivity. For example, a tetrahedral molecule has bond angles of approximately 109.5°.

Bond energy is the amount of energy required to break a bond in a molecule. It is important because it indicates bond strength; higher bond energies mean stronger bonds and more stable molecules.

(Session 2024 - 25)

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