JEE Maths
Binomial Theorem

Binomial Theorem

The Binomial Theorem is an essential tool for simplifying long expressions that follow the pattern (a + b)n. By providing a concise formula for expanding these expressions, it makes calculations more efficient. Mastery of this theorem streamlines calculations and facilitates diverse applications across mathematics, from combinatorics to probability theory.

1.0Binomial Theorem Statement

The Binomial Theorem is a mathematical theorem that provides a formula for expanding the powers of binomials. It states that for any real numbers a and b and any non-negative integer n, the expansion of (a+b)n is given by:

 Where  nCk represents the binomial coefficient, and equals

2.0Define Binomial Theorem 

The Binomial Theorem refers to the mathematical principle that allows for the expansion of any positive integral power of a binomial expression into a series format. (This theorem was given by Newton)

Pascal’s Triangle 

Pascal's Triangle

Pascal’s Triangle is a visual representation used to find binomial coefficients. It provides a convenient method for expressing the expansion of the coefficients of binomial expansions 

3.0Binomial Theorem Equation

The binomial theorem is a fundamental result in algebra that provides a formula for expanding expressions of the form (a + b)n, where "a" and "b" are any numbers or variables, and "n" is a non-negative integer. The binomial theorem equation is typically written as:

This equation expresses the expansion of the binomial expression (a +b)n into a sum of terms, where nCr represents the binomial coefficient "n choose r."

4.0Binomial Coefficients Expansion

(a + b)n = nC0 an + nC1 an-1 b + nC2an–2b2 + … + nCr an-r br + …+ nCn-1 a1bn–1 + nCn bn


Some more important formulas of binomial theorem are:

(x +a)n = nC0 xn + nC1 xn-1 a1 + nC2 xn–2 a2 + … + nCn an 

(x – a)n = nC0 xnnC1 xn-1 a1 + nC2 xn–2 a2 – … + nCn (–a)n

5.0Binomial Theorem Properties 

Property – 1 nCr × r! = nPr

Property – 2 nCr = nCn–r 

if nCx = nCy ⇒ x = y or x + y = n

Property – 3

Property – 4 nCr + nCr+1 = n+1Cr+1 

Property – 5

Property – 6

6.0Binomial Theorem Examples

  1. Expand (2x–3y)3.

Using the binomial theorem expansion formula, we get:

= 3C0 (2x)3 (–3y)0 + 3C1 (2x)2 (–3y)1 + 3C2 (2x)1 (–3y)2 + 3C3 (2x)0 (–3y)3 

= 8x3 – 36x2y + 54xy2 – 27y3 

  1. Expand x+24

Using the binomial theorem expansion formula, we get:

(x +2)4 = 4C0 (x)4 + 4C1 (x)3 (2)1 + 4C2 (x)2 (2)2 + 4C3 (x)1 (2)3 + 4C4 (x)0 (2)4 .

=1.x4.1 + 4.x3.2 + 6.x2.4 + 4.x.8 + 1.16

=x4 + 8x3 + 24x2 + 32x + 16 

7.0Binomial Expansion Terms

In binomial expansion, the general term and the middle term are usually asked to be found. 

  • General Term
  • Middle Term
  • Independent Term

General Term of Binomial Expansion

General Term of a Binomial Expansion (a +b)n is expressed as: 

Tr+1 = nCr an–r br.

In the binomial expansion (a+b)n, there are n+1 terms.

Middle Term of Binomial Expansion

  1. When n is even, then the middle term will be =
  2. When n is odd, then there are two middle terms; they will be

Independent Term of Binomial Expansion

The independent term in the binomial expansion refers to the term that does not contain any variables, i.e., it is the constant term.

Independent term is obtained by writing a general term and equating the power of the variable to 0.

Lets understand this concept with the help of an example:

Find the term independent of x in the expansion of  ?

Given : 

Let (r + 1)th term be the independent term for the given binomial expansion.

We know that the general term is Tr+1 = nCr . an–r . br

Here, n = 9, a = 3x2 /2 and b = (–1/3x)

T(r+1) = 9Cr. (3x2/2)9 - r . (–1/3x)r

⇒  T(r+1) = (–1)r9Cr . (3)9-2r.  (2)r-9. (x)18-3r …….. (1)

∵  (r + 1)th term is an independent term

⇒ x18-3r = x0 

⇒ 18 -3r = 0 ⇒ r = 6

By substituting r = 6 in equation (1) we get,

⇒ T(6+1) = 9C6 . (6)-3 = 7/18

8.0Binomial Theorem Solved Questions

  1.  Write the general term of (x+2)3

Solution: We know that the general term is Tr+1 = nCr an–r br.

= T(r+1) = 3Cr x3–r. (2)r.

  1. Find the middle term in the expansion of (2y–3)4

Solution: Here n is even, the middle term is 

(2 + 1)th term = 3rd term

T3 = T2+1 = 4C2  (2y)2 (–3)2

6.4.y2.9 = 216y2 

  1.  Find the constant term in the expansion of

Solution: Tr+1 = nCr xn–r yr

Tr+1 = (–1)r 5Cr . (2)5–r . x 10–2r . x–3r .3–r

= x10–2r–3r = x0

10–5r = 0 ⇒ 10 = 5r    ⇒ r = 2 

Substituting r = 2

  1. Find the number of terms in the expansion of (1+ 2x + x2)4

Solution: Given equation can be rewritten as (x2 + 2x + 1)4 

Now, (x2 +2x+1)4 = [(x+1)2]4 = (x + 1)8

This implies, number  of terms  are n + 1 = 9 

  1. Find the number of terms in the expansion of (x + y + z)n 

Solution: (x + y + z)n can be expanded as-

 (x + y + z)n ={(x + y) + z}n 

= nC0 (x + y)n + nC1 (x + y)n–1.z + nC2(x + y)n–2.z2 +  … +  nCnzn 

=(n + 1) terms + n terms + (n – 1) terms +  … + 1 term

Total number of terms = (n +1) + n + (n – 1) +  … + 1

=(n +1)(n +2)/2

9.0Binomial Theorem JEE Mains Questions

  1. The (n+1)th term from the end in the expansion of (2x − 1/x )3n is :





Solution: The correct answer is C :

(n + 1)th term from the end in the expansion of (2x − 1/x )3n is T2n + 1 from the beginning.

10.0Solved Question on Binomial Theorem

  1. What is the binomial theorem?

Ans: - The binomial theorem is a mathematical theorem that provides a formula for expanding the powers of binomials. It states that for any real numbers a and b and any non-negative integer n, the expansion of (a+b)n is given by: 

Frequently Asked Questions

The constant term in a binomial expansion is the term that does not contain any variables (e.g., x or y). It is obtained when all the variables in the expansion are raised to the power of zero.

The numerically greatest term in a binomial expansion is the term with the highest absolute value.

No, the binomial theorem specifically applies to binomial expressions, which consist of two terms raised to a power. However, similar techniques can be used to expand expressions with more than two terms, such as trinomials or multinomials.

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