Oscillations and waves are fundamental concepts in physics that explain the movement and transfer of energy. Oscillations refer to repetitive motion back and forth around a central point, such as a pendulum or a vibrating string. Waves, however, are disturbances that carry energy across space and time.
SHM is the simplest form of vibratory motion where a particle oscillates about an equilibrium position.
Conditions for SHM:
The restoring force FF is proportional to displacement xx and acts towards the equilibrium position:
Linear SHM: Particles move in a straight line about the equilibrium (e.g., mass-spring system).
Angular SHM: Particle oscillates about an axis (e.g., simple pendulum).
The differential equation for SHM is:
Its solution is
A =Amplitude
=Angular Frequency
=Initial Phase
Terms Associated with SHM
At x = 0,
At extreme positions,
, The total energy remains constant throughout the oscillation.
For a spring-mass system, the force equation is:
F= -kx
The time period T is given by:
The time period for combined springs:
Parallel Combination: Effective spring constant:
The time period for a simple pendulum is:
Where l represents the length and g is the acceleration due to gravity.For small angles, the motion is SHM, and the time period depends only on the length of the pendulum.
A compound pendulum is a rigid body oscillating about a fixed axis.The time period is:
∴ k is radius of gyration about axis passing from centre of mass
When two SHM motions of the same frequency combine, the resultant motion is also SHM. The displacement xx is the sum of the individual displacements:
For SHMs in phase, the amplitudes add up; if out of phase, they subtract.
In damped oscillations, resistive forces (like friction or air resistance) cause the amplitude to decrease over time.
The equation of motion is:
The solution shows that the amplitude decays exponentially.
Where b is the damping coefficient.
Forced Oscillations
When an external force drives an oscillating system, the system may enter a state of resonance if the driving frequency matches the system’s natural frequency. The amplitude reaches a maximum under these conditions.
The equation of motion is:
Where is the driving frequency and is the amplitude of the driving force.
Maximum oscillation amplitude occurs at resonance (when driving and natural frequencies match).
A wave is a propagating disturbance that carries energy through a medium, but the medium itself does not travel with the wave. Examples include water waves and sound waves.
Classification of Waves
Waves are classified into:
The wave function represents the displacement of particles in a medium. For a wave on a string, it’s the displacement; for sound, it’s pressure or density fluctuations.
where v is the wave speed.
Wave on a String
For a string under tension, the wave equation is:
is the mass per unit length.
Energy Density in Traveling Waves
Power Transmitted by a Sine Wave
Average power transmitted along a string is:
When two waves meet, their displacements combine:
Resultant wave:
Reflection and Transmission of Waves
Reflection at a Fixed End: Wave inverts.
Reflection at a Free End: Wave doesn’t invert.
For reflection and transmission:
Standing Waves
Standing waves, characterized by nodes and antinodes, result from the interference of identical waves moving in opposite directions.
Vibration of a String
For a string fixed at both ends, standing waves form. The fundamental frequency is:
Laws of Transverse Vibrations of a String
Energy Density of Standing Waves
In a standing wave, energy is the total of the kinetic and potential energy densities.
Sound waves are longitudinal waves requiring a medium (solid, liquid, or gas) to propagate. It consists of compressions and rarefactions.
Displacement Wave: Describes the motion of particles.
Pressure Wave: Describes changes in pressure due to compressions and rarefactions.
Speed of Sound in Various Mediums
Factors Affecting Speed of Sound
Intensity of Sound Waves
Intensity is the energy transmitted per unit time and per unit area, and it is proportional to the square of the pressure amplitude.
Average Intensity
The decibel scale (dB) is used to measure sound intensity:
Pitch and Frequency
Loudness and Intensity
Loudness is a subjective perception, while intensity is an objective measure of sound energy. Loudness increases logarithmically with intensity.
Interference of Sound Waves
Slightly different frequency waves interfering produce beats: periodic intensity variations.
Beat Frequency =
Longitudinal Standing Waves: Two longitudinal waves of the same frequency traveling in opposite directions create standing waves, with nodes and antinodes for pressure variation.
Vibration of Air Columns (Organ Pipes)
Closed Organ Pipe: Only odd harmonics.
Fundamental frequency:
Open Organ Pipe: Odd and even harmonics are present
Fundamental frequency:
End Correction
The end correction compensates for the displacement antinode at the open end of a pipe:
Apparatus for Determining Speed of Sound
When there is relative motion between a sound or light wave source and an observer along the line connecting them, the frequency observed differs from the source's frequency. This phenomenon is known as the Doppler Effect.
v= velocity of sound w.r.t. ground, c=velocity of sound with respect to medium,
= velocity of medium,
=velocity of observer,
=velocity of source
Q-1.A body of mass m is attached to a spring with spring constant k. If the amplitude of oscillation is A, what is the total mechanical energy in the system?
The total mechanical energy in SHM is given by .This is independent of the mass and depends only on the spring constant and amplitude.
Q-2.In simple harmonic motion with angular frequency ω, how are ω and the period (T) related
The angular frequency ω and the time period T are related by the equation, . So, the time period T is the reciprocal of the frequency and is proportional to the angular frequency.
Q-3.How does wave energy change when amplitude doubles (constant tension)?
Wave energy is proportional to the square of the amplitude ; thus, doubling the amplitude increases energy fourfold,the energy will increase by a factor of 4.
(Session 2025 - 26)