Diamond and graphite are two of the most well-known allotropes of carbon, each with distinct properties and structures that lead to their unique applications. Let’s understand Properties and application of each in detail.
Diamond is a crystal formed under high-pressure, high-temperature conditions typically found deep within the Earth. The structure of diamond is a perfect tetrahedral lattice, where each carbon atom forms strong covalent bonds with four others, creating an incredibly stable and rigid network. This sp³ hybridization results in one of the densest and most durable crystal structures known.
Graphite's structure consists of layers of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice. Each carbon atom is bonded to three others in the same plane, resulting in sp² hybridization. These planes, or graphene sheets, are held together by weak van der Waals forces, allowing them to slide over one another easily.
Carbon has several allotropes, including diamond, known for its hardness and insulating properties; graphite, which is soft and a good conductor; graphene, a single layer of carbon atoms with exceptional conductivity and strength; fullerenes like C60, spherical molecules used in nanotechnology; carbon nanotubes, cylindrical structures with high strength and conductivity; and amorphous carbon, which includes materials like charcoal and soot with varying properties.
Here is a detailed table comparing and contrasting the properties, structure, and typical applications of diamond and graphite, which are both allotropes of carbon:
Graphite and carbon, in their various forms, have a multitude of applications across different industries. Here, we’ll explore these uses in detail, focusing on graphite and also discussing other forms of carbon like carbon fiber, activated carbon, and carbon nanotubes.
Graphite is used as a lubricant in applications where wet lubricants cannot be used, such as in high-temperature environments or in vacuum applications like in space.
Its layered structure, where layers are held together by weak van der Waals forces, allows the layers to slide over each other easily, providing excellent lubrication qualities.
The most well-known use of graphite is in pencils, where graphite is mixed with clay to vary the hardness of the graphite lead. The more clay mixed with graphite, the harder the lead.
Electrodes and Batteries:
Graphite serves as an electrode in many electrochemical processes such as in electrolytic cells for aluminum production.
It is used in lithium-ion batteries as an electrode due to its ability to intercalate lithium ions without significant damage from volumetric changes during ion entry and exit.
Nuclear Reactors:
Graphite is used as a neutron moderator in nuclear reactors. Its ability to slow down fast neutrons without capturing them makes it valuable for sustaining controlled nuclear reactions.
Graphite's high melting point and stability make it ideal for use in refractory materials in steel-making furnaces, linings for high-temperature equipment, and molds for casting.
Expandable Graphite:
When treated with acids and heat, graphite flakes can expand and form a worm-like structure, which is used as a fire retardant in foams, plastics, and textiles.
Carbon Fiber:
Carbon fibers are known for their stiffness, high tensile strength, low weight, high chemical resistance, high temperature tolerance, and low thermal expansion. These properties make them popular in aerospace, civil engineering, military, and motorsports.
Activated Carbon:
Activated carbon is used for purification and filtration. It can absorb toxins and other substances, making it a key component in water purification systems and air purifiers.
It is also used in medical applications to treat poisonings and overdoses, acting by binding to the toxins in the stomach and intestines.
Carbon Black:
This form of carbon is used in the manufacture of ink, paint, and coloring agents. It’s also a standard reinforcement additive in car tire rubber due to its ability to increase resistance to wear and tear.
Carbon Nanotubes:
Carbon nanotubes are used in various applications due to their unique nanostructure and properties, including high strength, electrical conductivity, and thermal conductivity. They find applications in electronics, nanotechnology, and materials science.
Beyond jewelry, synthetic diamonds are used in cutting, grinding, drilling equipment, and in various scientific and industrial settings, such as high-power laser optics, heat sinks, and high-hardness abrasive tools.
(Session 2025 - 26)