JEE Chemistry
Electron Affinity

Electron Affinity 

Electron affinity is a concept in chemistry that describes the energy change when an electron is added to a neutral atom in the gaseous state to form a negative ion. It provides insight into how atoms gain electrons and form anions. Let’s understand Electron affinity in detail.

1.0Definition of Electron Affinity

Electron affinity definition involves the amount of energy released when a gaseous atom gains an electron to form a gaseous anion. It is usually expressed in kilojoules per mole (kJ/mol).

                               X(g) + e→ X(g) + ΔE

Here, ΔE represents the electron affinity, which is typically negative because energy is released when the atom gains an electron.

Image showing electron affinity

2.0First and Second Electron Affinity

First Electron Affinity (EA₁): 

The energy changes when one electron is added to a neutral atom in the gaseous state. It is usually exothermic (negative value) because energy is released as the electron is attracted to the nucleus.

Cl (g) +e→ Cl−(g)   ΔH =−349 kJ/mol

Second Electron Affinity (EA₂): 

The energy change when a second electron is added to a negatively charged ion. This process is usually endothermic (positive value) because energy is required to overcome the repulsion between the negatively charged ion and the incoming electron.

         O(g) + e→ O2(g)  ΔH = +844 kJ/mol

3.0Trends in Electron Affinity

Trend of electron affinity in the periodic table

  • Across a Period: Electron affinity generally becomes more negative (more exothermic) across a period from left to right. This is because the atomic size decreases, and the effective nuclear charge increases, making it easier for the nucleus to attract additional electrons.
  • Down a Group: Electron affinity becomes less negative (less exothermic or even endothermic) as you move down a group. This is due to the increasing atomic size and shielding effect, which reduce the attraction between the nucleus and the added electron.

4.0Factors Affecting Electron Affinity

  • Nuclear Charge: 

A higher effective nuclear charge increases the attraction between the nucleus and the added electron, making the electron affinity more negative.

  • Atomic Size: 

Smaller atoms have electrons closer to the nucleus, resulting in a stronger attraction for an additional electron, hence a more negative electron affinity.

  • Electron Configuration: 

Atoms with stable electron configurations (like noble gases or half-filled p orbitals) have less tendency to gain electrons, leading to a lower (less negative or positive) electron affinity. Conversely, atoms that gain electrons to achieve a stable configuration have a higher (more negative) electron affinity.

  • Shielding Effect: 

Increased shielding by inner electrons reduces the effective nuclear charge felt by the added electron, making the electron affinity less negative.

5.0Exceptions to General Trends

  • Group 2 Elements: 

Alkaline earth metals have relatively low electron affinities because adding an electron requires starting a new p orbital, which is less favourable.

  • Group 15 Elements: 

The p orbitals in these elements are half-filled, and adding another electron introduces repulsion in the p orbital, making electron affinity less negative.

  • Noble Gases: 

These elements have a positive electron affinity because their electron configuration is already stable, and adding an electron would require energy input to place it in a new shell or orbital.

6.0Difference between Electron Affinity and Electronegativity


Electron Affinity



The energy change that occurs when an atom gains an electron, forming a negative ion.

A relative measure of an atom's ability to attract electrons within a chemical bond.


Quantitative and measurable, expressed in units of energy (typically kJ/mol).

Qualitative and relative, expressed as a dimensionless number on various scales (e.g., Pauling scale).


Measured directly through experiments involving electron gain processes.

Determined empirically or estimated based on other atomic properties like ionization energy and electron affinity.


Measured in kilojoules per mole (kJ/mol).

No units; it is a dimensionless number.


The tendency of an atom to accept an electron and form a negative ion.

The tendency of an atom to attract electrons when bonded to another atom.

Trends in the Periodic Table

Generally becomes more negative across a period (left to right) and less negative down a group.

Generally increases across a period (left to right) and decreases down a group.

7.0Difference between Electron Affinity and Ionization Energy


Electron Affinity

Ionization Energy


The energy change that occurs when an atom gains an electron, forming a negative ion.

The energy required to remove an electron from a gaseous atom or ion.

Nature of Process

Involves the addition of an electron to an atom.

Involves the removal of an electron from an atom.

Energy Change

Typically exothermic (energy is released), resulting in a negative value.

Endothermic (energy is absorbed), resulting in a positive value.


Measured directly through experiments involving electron gain.

Measured through experiments involving electron removal, such as spectroscopy.


Measured in kilojoules per mole (kJ/mol).

Measured in kilojoules per mole (kJ/mol).


The tendency of an atom to gain an electron and form an anion.

The tendency of an atom to retain its electrons and resist losing them.

Trends in the Periodic Table

Generally becomes more negative across a period (left to right) and less negative down a group.

Generally increases across a period (left to right) and decreases down a group.


Useful for predicting the formation of anions and reactivity in redox reactions.

Useful for predicting the reactivity of metals and the energy required to form cations.

8.0Applications of Electron Affinity

  • Predicting Reactivity: 

Elements with high (more negative) electron affinities tend to be more reactive non-metals, such as halogens, which readily gain electrons to form anions.

  • Chemical Bonding:

Electron affinity values help in understanding bond formation, particularly in ionic compounds where electron transfer is involved.

  • Material Science and Catalysis: 

Understanding electron affinities is crucial in designing materials and catalysts, particularly those involving redox reactions.

9.0Measurement of Electron Affinity

  • Experimental Methods: Electron affinities are often measured using spectroscopic methods or calculated using thermodynamic cycles like the Born-Haber cycle in ionic compounds.
Frequently Asked Questions

Electron affinity is the amount of energy released or absorbed when an electron is added to a neutral atom in the gaseous state, forming a negative ion.

Electron affinity is typically negative because energy is usually released when an electron is added to an atom. However, for some elements, especially those with stable electron configurations, the process can be endothermic, resulting in a positive electron affinity.

Electron affinity measures the energy change when an atom gains an electron, while electronegativity is a relative measure of how strongly an atom attracts electrons in a chemical bond. Electron affinity has specific units (kJ/mol), whereas electronegativity is dimensionless.

Factors that influence electron affinity include the atomic size, nuclear charge, electron configuration, and the effective nuclear charge experienced by the added electron. Smaller atoms with higher nuclear charge generally have more negative electron affinities.

(Session 2024 - 25)

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