JEE Chemistry


Electronegativity is the tendency of an atom to attract a shared pair of electrons towards itself in a chemical bond. It is a dimensionless property that plays a crucial role in determining the nature of chemical bonds (ionic, covalent, or polar covalent) between atoms.

1.0Development of the Concept of Electronegativity

  • Pauling Scale: The most commonly used scale for electronegativity, developed by Linus Pauling, assigns fluorine the highest value of 4.0, as it is the most electronegative element.
  • Other Scales: Other scales include the Mulliken scale, which is based on ionization energy and electron affinity, and the Allred-Rochow scale, which considers the effective nuclear charge and covalent radius.

A polar covalent bond between two atoms, A and B, can be represented as:

                                              A—B  ⟶  Aδ−— Bδ+

This notation indicates that atom A has a higher electronegativity than atom B (Electronegativity of A > Electronegativity of B). As a result, A attracts the shared electron pair more strongly, giving it a partial negative charge (δ−), while B, with less electronegativity, acquires a partial positive charge (δ+). This difference in electron distribution creates a dipole, making the bond polar.

2.0Trends in Electronegativity

The trend of electronegativity in the periodic table

  • Across a Period: Electronegativity increases from left to right across a period in the periodic table. This is due to the increase in nuclear charge, which pulls the bonding electrons closer to the nucleus.
    • Example: In Period 2, the electronegativity increases from lithium (Li) to fluorine (F).
  • Down a Group: Electronegativity decreases down a group as the atomic radius increases, making the bonding electrons farther from the nucleus and less tightly held.
    • Example: In Group 17, electronegativity decreases from fluorine (F) to iodine (I).

3.0Electronegativity Values of some Elements

the values of electronegativity for some elements

4.0Factors Affecting Electronegativity

  1. Atomic Radius: 

A smaller atomic radius usually corresponds to higher electronegativity because the nucleus is closer to the bonding electrons.

  1. Nuclear Charge: 

Higher nuclear charge (more protons in the nucleus) increases electronegativity, as it attracts the bonding electrons more strongly.

  1. Electron Shielding: 

The presence of inner electrons (shielding effect) reduces the effective nuclear charge experienced by the bonding electrons, lowering electronegativity.

  1. Bonding Environment: 

Electronegativity can vary slightly depending on the bonding environment, such as hybridization state and oxidation state of the atom.

5.0Importance of Electronegativity

  1. Predicting Bond Type:
  • Ionic Bond: Large difference in electronegativity (typically >1.7) between two atoms leads to electron transfer, forming ionic bonds.
  • Covalent Bond: Small or no difference in electronegativity results in electron sharing, forming covalent bonds.
  • Polar Covalent Bond: Moderate difference in electronegativity (0.4 to 1.7) results in unequal sharing of electrons, creating polar covalent bonds with partial charges.
  1. Molecular Polarity: 

The difference in electronegativity between bonded atoms in a molecule determines the polarity of the molecule, which influences properties like solubility, boiling/melting points, and intermolecular interactions.

  • Example: Water (H₂O) is a polar molecule because of the difference in electronegativity between oxygen and hydrogen, leading to a dipole moment.
  1. Reactivity of Elements:

Elements with high electronegativity (like halogens) are highly reactive, particularly with elements of low electronegativity (like alkali metals), due to their strong tendency to gain electrons.

6.0Applications of Electronegativity

  1. Metallic and Non-Metallic Nature

Metallic Character:

  • Metals generally have low electronegativity, which means they have a lower tendency to attract electrons and are more likely to lose electrons to form cations. This property is a key characteristic of metallic behavior.
  • As we move down a group in the periodic table, the electronegativity of elements decreases due to an increase in atomic size and electron shielding. Consequently, the metallic character increases because atoms more readily lose electrons to form positive ions.
  • Example: In Group 1 (alkali metals), lithium (Li) is less metallic than cesium (Cs), reflecting the trend of increasing metallic character down the group.

Non-Metallic Character:

  • Non-metals have high electronegativity, which means they have a stronger tendency to attract electrons and form anions. This is a fundamental characteristic of non-metallic elements.
  • Moving across a period from left to right, electronegativity increases as atomic size decreases and the effective nuclear charge increases. This leads to a decrease in metallic character and an increase in non-metallic character.
  • Example: In Period 2, elements transition from metallic (sodium, Na) to non-metallic (fluorine, F), reflecting the decrease in metallic character and increase in non-metallicity across the period.
  1. Bond Energy:

Relationship with Electronegativity:

  • Bond energy refers to the amount of energy required to break a bond between two atoms. The difference in electronegativity between bonded atoms significantly affects bond energy.
  • As the electronegativity difference between two bonded atoms increases, the bond becomes more polar. This increased polarity leads to a stronger attraction between the atoms, which results in a shorter bond length. A shorter bond length typically correlates with higher bond energy because more energy is required to overcome the attraction between the atoms.
  1. Chemical Bonding: Understanding electronegativity helps predict bond formation, bond strength, and bond polarity.
  2. Molecular Geometry: Electronegativity affects the shape of molecules and can lead to dipole-dipole interactions, influencing the three-dimensional structure of molecules.

7.0Anomalies and Special Cases of Electronegativity

  • Noble Gases: Although noble gases typically do not form bonds, when they do (under special conditions), their electronegativity values can be surprisingly high.
  • d- and f-Block Elements: Transition metals and inner transition metals (lanthanides and actinides) often have complex electronegativity values due to their unique electron configurations and oxidation states.
  • Allotropes: Different forms of the same element can have different electronegativities. For example, carbon in diamond has a slightly different electronegativity than carbon in graphite.
Frequently Asked Questions

Electronegativity is a measure of the tendency of an atom to attract a bonding pair of electrons. It is a dimensionless quantity, usually measured on the Pauling scale, where fluorine is assigned the highest value of 3.98.

Fluorine has the highest electronegativity of all elements, with a value of 3.98 on the Pauling scale.

Electronegativity generally increases across a period from left to right and decreases down a group in the periodic table. This trend is due to increasing nuclear charge and decreasing atomic radius across periods, and increasing atomic radius and electron shielding down groups.

Electronegativity refers to an atom's ability to attract electrons in a chemical bond, while electron affinity is the energy change that occurs when an atom gains an electron. Electronegativity is a relative measure, while electron affinity is an absolute value.

The difference in electronegativity between two atoms in a bond determines the bond's polarity. A large difference results in a polar covalent bond, where electrons are more attracted to the more electronegative atom. If the difference is very large, the bond may be ionic.

(Session 2024 - 25)

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