JEE Chemistry
Inert Pair Effect

 Inert pair effect

In p-block elements, as we move down a group, the stability of the lower oxidation states increases. This trend can be attributed to the increase in effective nuclear charge, which enhances the attraction between the nucleus and the ns electrons. The inner d and f orbitals do not effectively shield the ns electrons from this increased nuclear charge. Consequently, the ns electrons are held more tightly by the nucleus, making their involvement in bonding less favorable.

Therefore, in the case of thallium (Tl), the +1 oxidation state becomes more stable than the +3 state. Similarly, for lead (Pb), the +2 oxidation state is more stable, and for bismuth (Bi), the +3 oxidation state is more stable. This phenomenon reflects the increasing reluctance of ns electrons to participate in bonding as we descend the groups in p-block elements.

The inert pair effect refers to the tendency of heavier main group elements to preferentially retain their valence s-electrons in bonding situations, leading to a greater stability of lower oxidation states.

1.0What is the Inert pair effect?

The p-block elements typically exhibit two oxidation states, contrasting with the s-block elements which usually display only one oxidation state corresponding to their group number. The higher oxidation state is typically equal to the group number minus 10, while the lower one is two units less than the group number. As we move down the group, the lower oxidation state becomes more stable, a phenomenon known as the inert pair effect.

The higher oxidation state occurs when both the ns and np electrons participate in bond formation, while the lower oxidation state arises when only the np electron(s) are involved. As we descend the group, the outermost s orbital electrons tend to remain inert and do not partake in bond formation. This reluctance of the outermost s orbital electrons to engage in bonding is termed the inert pair effect. It occurs because the energy required to unpair the s-electrons must be overcome by the energy released during bond formation. If the energy released is insufficient to unpair the s-electrons, they do not participate in bond formation. This effect becomes more pronounced for the lower members of the group due to the decreasing bond energy down the group.

2.0Examples of Inert Pair Effect

Examples of the inert pair effect in chemistry include certain p-block elements like thallium (Tl), polonium (Po), tin (Sn), lead (Pb), and bismuth (Bi). In these elements, the '5s' electron of tin and the '6s' electrons of lead and bismuth tend to remain inert due to the inert pair effect.

Group 13

Group 14

B (+3)

C (+4)

Al (+3)

Si  (+4)

Ga (+3), (+1)

Ge (+4), (+2)

In (+3), (+1)     

Sn (+4), (+2)

Tl (+3), (+1)

Pb (+4), (+2)

Order of stability : Tl1+ > In1+ > Ga1+ (due to inert pair effect)              

Order of stability : Pb2+> Sn2+ > Ge2+ (due to inert pair effect) 

3.0Consequences of the inert pair effect

Consequences of the inert pair effect in chemistry result in significant changes to the physical and chemical properties of the affected elements.

  • Stability of Compounds: The stability of compounds is affected by the inert pair effect. For instance, tin (Sn) forms SnCl2 more readily than SnCl4 due to the reluctance of its '5s' electrons to participate in bonding, rendering SnCl4 unstable.
  • Variable Valency: Elements experiencing the inert pair effect exhibit variable oxidation states. For example, tin and lead can display both +2 and +4 oxidation states, while thallium can exhibit +1 and +3 oxidation states.
  • Oxidizing and Reducing Properties: The oxidizing and reducing properties of compounds are influenced by the inert pair effect. Bismuth (Bi) compounds in the +5 oxidation state, such as BiF5, act as strong oxidizing agents, readily oxidizing other substances to stabilize at the more favorable +3 oxidation state.
  • Melting and Boiling Points: The melting and boiling points of elements can be affected by the inert pair effect. For instance, polonium (Po) has lower melting and boiling points compared to tellurium (Te) despite being in the same group. This is because the inert pair effect is more pronounced in polonium due to the presence of significant 'd' and 'f' electrons, leading to less availability of its '6s' electrons for bonding compared to tellurium's '5s' electrons.

4.0Difference between Inert pair and Shielding effect

                Inert pair effect

            Shielding effect

The inert pair effect refers to the reluctance of the s-electrons in the outermost electron shell (usually the ns^2 electrons) of heavy p-block elements to participate in chemical bonding. This results in a preference for lower oxidation states in these elements.

The shielding effect describes how inner shell electrons can shield outer shell electrons from the full effect of the nuclear charge. Electrons in the same or lower energy levels repel each other, reducing the effective nuclear charge felt by the outer electrons.

It is predominantly observed in the lower elements of groups 13 to 16 in the periodic table, especially in the heavier elements like thallium (Tl), lead (Pb), and bismuth (Bi).

Occurrence: It is a general phenomenon that occurs in all atoms, affecting their sizes, ionization energies, electron affinities, and electronegativities.

Frequently Asked Questions

The effect occurs due to the poor shielding provided by inner d and f electrons, which leads to a strong effective nuclear charge. This strong nuclear pull holds the outer s-electrons more tightly, making them less available for bonding.

Elements in the lower periods of groups 13 to 16, such as thallium (Tl), lead (Pb), and bismuth (Bi), commonly exhibit the inert pair effect.

Because of the inert pair effect, the lower oxidation states become more stable for heavy p-block elements. For example, thallium is more stable in the +1 state than in +3, lead in +2 rather than +4, and bismuth in +3 instead of +5.

(Session 2024 - 25)

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