
Sulphides (S²⁻) are intriguing compounds characterized by a sulphur atom bonded to another element, typically a metal. These compounds are abundantly present in minerals, ores, and even within living organisms. Sulphides are primarily categorized into metal sulphides and nonmetal sulphides.


What are Sulphides?

Sulphides are chemical compounds formed when sulphur reacts with another metal element. These compounds are commonly found in minerals like pyrite (fool's gold) and galena. Sulphides often emit distinctive odours, such as the smell of rotten eggs, and some can be hazardous. They play a vital role in various industries, particularly in mining for metals like copper and lead. Additionally,  sulphides are integral to natural processes, including volcanic gas emissions and specific biological activities..

Sulphide Ion

The sulphide ion (S²⁻) is an anion present in sulphide compounds. For example, in ferrous sulphide (FeS), the sulphur atom exists as a sulphide ion.

Sulphide Formula

Sulphide ions have the chemical formula S²⁻ and possess an oxidation state of -2. This structure allows sulphur to interact with other elements, resulting in sulphide compounds with molecular formulae such as XS, X₂S, or XS₂.

Valency of Sulphide

The valency of the sulphide ion is 2. Sulphur's electronic configuration is 2, 8, 6, indicating that it has six electrons in its valence shell. Sulphur requires two additional electrons, giving it a valency of 2, to achieve a stable electronic configuration.

Structure of Sulphides

Sulphides from semimetals (metalloids) or specific nonmetallic elements exhibit a molecular nature, with sulphide bridges forming a polymeric structure. The organic sulphide, characterized by an angular functional group, features a C–S–C angle of approximately 90°, with C–S bonds measuring approximately 180 pm in length.

2.0Types of Sulphides

Sulphides can be broadly categorized into inorganic sulphides, organic sulphides (also referred to as thioethers), and phosphine sulphides.

Inorganic Sulphides

  • Typically ionic compounds.
  • Contain negatively charged sulphide ions, S²⁻.
  • These compounds are essentially salts of hydrogen sulphide, a very weak acid.
  • Common Examples:Pyrite (FeS₂): Iron sulphide, Galena (PbS), Lead sulphide., Sphalerite (ZnS): Zinc sulphide.

Organic Sulphides

  • The sulfur atom forms covalent bonds with two organic groups.
  • These compounds exhibit properties similar to ethers but with sulfur replacing the oxygen atom. They are also known as Thioethers.
  • Example: Dimethyl sulphide (CH₃-S-CH₃), where the sulfur atom is bonded to two methyl groups.

Phosphine Sulphides

  • Formed when organic phosphines react with sulfur.
  • The sulfur atom is bonded to phosphorus and exhibits ionic and covalent properties.
  • Example: Triphenylphosphine sulphide (Ph₃P=S), where Ph represents phenyl groups (C₆H₅).
  • They are often used as ligands in coordination chemistry and in various organic synthesis processes.

Types of Sulphides


3.0 Metal Sulphides and Properties

Solid sulphides precipitate when sulphide sources like NaHS, Na₂S, and H₂S interact with transition metal cations in an aqueous solution. These inorganic sulphides exhibit relatively low solubility in water. Cadmium yellow (CdS) is a well-known example, while Ag₂S forms a black stain in sterling silver. These compounds, often referred to as salts, display semiconductor properties due to highly covalent bonding in transition metal sulphides, contributing to their distinctive colours.

  • Applications and Uses

Transition metal sulphides have various industrial applications. They are commonly utilized as pigments, contributing vibrant hues to paints and dyes. Owing to their semiconductor properties, they play a vital role in the production of solar cells. Furthermore, transition metal sulphides serve as catalysts in specific chemical reactions, facilitating essential processes in various fields of chemistry.

  • Important Metal Sulphide Ores

Many significant metal ores are sulphides, encompassing a diverse range of elements and minerals:

  • Pyrite (FeS2): Iron disulphide, commonly known as fool's gold.
  • Galena (PbS): Primary ore of lead, often found associated with silver.
  • Argentite (Ag2S): Silver sulphide, contributing to tarnishing in sterling silver.
  • Cinnabar (HgS): Mercury sulphide, historically used as a source of mercury.
  • Realgar (As4S4): Arsenic sulphide utilized in traditional medicine and pyrotechnics.
  • Pentlandite (Fe, Ni)9S8: Iron Nickel sulphide, a significant source of nickel.
  • Sphalerite (ZnS): A major ore of zinc, crucial in the production of zinc metal.
  • Chalcopyrite (CuFeS2): Iron-copper sulphide, the most abundant copper ore.

4.0Chemical Properties of Sulphides

Sulphides, composed of sulphur bonded to another element, exhibit diverse chemical properties crucial in various industrial, geological, and biological processes. Here are some fundamental chemical properties of sulphides:

Reactivity with Acids:

  • Formation of Hydrogen Sulphide (H₂S): Sulphides react with acids to liberate hydrogen sulphide gas (HS), a foul-smelling and toxic gas with the characteristic odour of rotten eggs. This reaction is often used as a qualitative test for the presence of sulphides.

Oxidation Reactions:

  • Oxidation to Sulphates: Sulphides can undergo oxidation reactions, converting sulphide ions (S2−) to sulphate ions (SO42−). This process is significant in sulphide minerals' natural weathering and industrial processes like mineral extraction.

Role as Catalysts:

  • Catalytic Activity: Certain sulphides, especially those containing transition metals, serve as catalysts in chemical reactions. They can facilitate various chemical processes, including hydrogenation, desulfurization, and oxidation reactions.

Formation of Complexes:

  • Complex Formation with Metal Ions: Sulphides can form complex ions with various metal ions, particularly transition metals. These complexes often have distinctive colors and properties, making them valuable in analytical chemistry and industrial applications.

5.0Synthesis of Sulphides 

The synthesis of sulphides involves various methods, depending on the desired sulphide compound and starting materials. The choice of synthesis method depends on factors such as reactant availability, desired purity, and the process's scalability. 

Each method offers advantages and limitations, and careful consideration is essential to achieve the desired sulphide compound efficiently and reliably. Some common synthesis methods include:

Direct Combination: This involves the direct reaction of a metal or nonmetal with elemental sulphur.

  • Metal  +  Sulphur  →  Metal Sulphide

Hydrogen Sulphide Reaction: Treating a metal salt with hydrogen sulphide gas (H₂S) can yield metal sulphides. 

  •  Metal Salt + H2S   →  Metal Sulphide  +  Hydrochloric Acid

Thermal Decomposition: Heating metal salts or metal oxides with sulphur can lead to the formation of sulphides. 

  •  Metal Oxide + Sulphur →  Metal Sulphide + Oxygen

Chemical Precipitation: Reacting metal ions in solution with a sulphide ion source, such as hydrogen sulphide or sodium sulphide, can precipitate metal sulphides. 

  • Metal Ion + Sulphide Ion → Metal Sulphide

Organic Synthesis: Organic sulphides can be synthesized through various organic reactions involving thioether functional groups. One common method is the alkylation of thiols with alkyl halides: 

  • Thiol + Alkyl Halide → Organic Sulphide + Halide Ion
Frequently Asked Questions

Sulphides can be prepared through various methods, including: Direct combination of sulphur with metals. Reaction of hydrogen sulphide (H₂S) with metal salts. Thermal decomposition of metal salts. Metathesis reactions involving sulphide sources. Organic synthesis for forming organic sulphides.

Yes, many sulphides, especially hydrogen sulphide, are toxic and pose health risks if inhaled or ingested. Proper safety precautions, such as adequate ventilation and protective equipment, are essential when handling these compounds.

Organic sulphides, also known as thioethers, contain a sulfur atom covalently bonded to two organic groups and exhibit an angular structure with a C–S–C angle of about 90° and C–S bonds approximately 180 pm long. In contrast, inorganic sulphides typically involve ionic bonds between metal cations and sulphide anions.

(Session 2024 - 25)

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