Alternating Current is a type of electrical current in which the flow of electric charge periodically reverses direction. Unlike Direct Current (DC), where the flow of electrons is unidirectional, AC alternates back and forth, typically in the form of a sine wave.In AC, the voltage varies sinusoidally over time, changing its polarity from positive to negative in a regular pattern. This is typically produced by an AC generator or an alternator.
1.0Definition of Alternating Current
An alternating quantity (such as current or voltage) is one whose magnitude continuously varies with time between zero and a maximum value, while its direction periodically reverses.
2.0Comparison of AC and DC
Alternating Current
Direct Current
Changes direction periodically
Flows only in one direction
Can be Generated by using AC Generator.
Can be Generated by using DC Generator, Battery,
solar panels.
Inverter converts AC into DC.
The rectifier converts AC into DC.
Can be controlled using a Transformer.
Cannot be controlled using a Transformer.
3.0Advantage of AC
A.C. is cheaper than D.C
It can be transmitted over long distances at low power loss.
It can be stepped up or stepped down with the help of a transformer.
It can be controlled easily (by choke coil).
4.0Equation of Voltage and Current for AC
Alternating current or voltage varying as sine or cosine function.
5.0Peak Value or Maximum Value
The peak value is defined as the maximum value of an alternating quantity (such as current or voltage.
Peak Value=I0 or Amplitude = I0
6.0Average Value
The mean value of A.C. over any half cycle (either positive or negative) is that value of DC which would send the same amount of charge through a circuit as is sent by the AC through the same circuit at the same time.
Charge flown by DC of value iav = Charge flown by AC of value i
7.0Root Mean Square (R.M.S) Value
It is the equivalent value of DC that would generate the same amount of heat in a given resistance over a specific time period as the alternating current does when passed through the same resistance for the same duration."
Significance of RMS Value
Heat produced by DC=Heat produced by AC
8.0Difference Between DC Meter and AC Meter
D.C. meter
A.C. meter
Moving coil instrument
Hot wire instrument
Based on
Magnetic effect of current
Heating effect of current
Average value
r.m.s. value
If used in
A.C. circuit then they reads zero
because average value of A.C is zero
A.C. or D.C. then meter works properly
as it measures rms value
Deflection ∝ current
ϕ ∝ I(linear)
Deflection ∝ heat
Uniform Separation
Non-Uniform Separation
9.0Phasor Diagram
Physical quantity which represents both the instantaneous value and direction of alternating quantity at any instant is called its phase.
Its SI unit is radian. It is a dimensionless quantity.
I=I0Sin(ωt+ϕ) The argument of sine is called its phase.
ωt= instantaneous phase (changes with time)
ϕ = initial phase or phase constant(constant w.r.t. time)
Phase difference : The phase difference refers to the difference in phase between the current and voltage.
Phase Difference Δϕ=ϕ2−ϕ1 (relative to current) or (relative to voltage)
Time difference : If phase difference between alternating current and voltage is then time difference between them is given as, 2πΔϕ=TΔt
10.0AC Circuit Containing Resistor
Let at any instant t, the current in the circuit is I
Potential difference across the resistance =IR
With the help of Kirchhoff's circuit law,
I=RE0Sinωt=I0Sinωt (I0=RE0=Peak or Maximum Value of Current
Alternating current developed in a pure resistance is also of the sinusoidal nature.
In a.c. circuits containing pure resistance, the voltage and current are in the same phase.
The vector or phasor diagram which represents the phase relationship between alternating current and alternating e.m.f.
In the a.c. circuit having R only, as current and voltage are in the same phase, hence in fig. Both phasors E0 and I0 are in the same direction, making an angle with OX. Their projections on the Y-axis represent the instantaneous values of alternating current and voltage.
I0=RE0, hence 2I0=R2E0⇒IRMS=RERMS
11.0AC Circuit Containing Inductor
A circuit containing a pure inductance L (having zero ohmic resistance)connected with a source of alternating emf. Let the alternating e.m.f. E=E0Sinωt
When a.c. flows through the circuit, emf induced across inductance=−LdtdI
Note: Negative sign indicates that induced emf acts in opposite direction to that of applied emf. Because there is no other circuit element present in the circuit other than inductance so with the help of Kirchhoff's Circuit Law,
Maximum Current I0=ωLE0×1=ωLE0
Hence I=I0Sin(ωt−2π)
In a pure inductive circuit current always lags behind the emf by2π or alternating emf leads the a. c. by a phase angle of 2π
Expression I0=ωLE0 resembles the expression IE=R
This non-resistive opposition to the flow of A.C. in a circuit is called the inductive reactance (XL) of the circuit XL=ωL=2πFfL, where f=frequency of A.C
Unit of XL−Ohm
Inductive ReactanceXL∝f (Higher the frequency of A.C. higher is the inductive reactance offered by an inductor in an A.C. circuit.)
For d.c Circuit f=0,XL=XL=2πFfL=0
Hence inductor offers no opposition to the flow of d.c whereas a resistive path to a.c
12.0AC Circuit Containing Capacitor
A circuit containing an ideal capacitor of capacitance C connected with a source of alternating emf as shown in fig. The alternating e.m.f. in the circuit E=E0Sinωt.
When alternating e.m.f. is applied across the capacitor a similarly varying alternating current flows in the circuit.
The two plates of the capacitor become alternately positively and negatively charged and the magnitude of the charge on the plates of the capacitor varies sinusoidally with time. Also the electric field between the plates of the capacitor varies sinusoidally with time. Let at any instant t charge on the capacitor = q
Instantaneous potential difference across the capacitor,
The instantaneous value of current
In a pure capacitive circuit, the current always leads the e.m.f by a phase angle of 2π.The alternating e.m.f lags behind the alternating current by a phase angle of 2π
IE is the resistance R when booth E and I are in phase,in present case they differ in phase by 2π, hence ωC1 is not the resistance of the capacitor,the capacitor offers opposition to the flow of A.C.
This non-resistive opposition to the flow of A.C in a pure capacitive circuit is known as capacitive reactance Xc. XC=ωC1=2πfC1
Unit of XC:Ohm
It is inversely proportional to frequency of A.C
XC decreases as the frequency increases.
For d.c circuit f=0
XC=2πfC1=∞ but has a very small value for a.c
This shows that the capacitor blocks the flow of d.c but provides an easy path for individual components(R or L or C).
13.0Key Formula for AC Circuit containing R,L,C
14.0AC Circuit Containing RL,RC,LC Circuit
15.0AC Circuit Containing Series LCR Circuit
A circuit containing a series combination of an resistance R, a coil of inductance L and a capacitor of capacitance C, connected with a source of alternating e.m.f. of peak value E0.
16.0Phasor Diagram for Series LCR Circuit
Let in series LCR circuit applied alternating emf is E=E0Sinωt. As L, C and R are joined in series, as a result ,the current flowing through the three elements at any given moment has the same amplitude and phase.
However, voltage across each element bears a different phase relationship with the current
Potential difference across L,C and R
Now, VR is in phase with current I but VL leads I by 90°,while VC lags behind I by 90°.
The vector OP represents VR (which is in phase with I) , the vector OQ represents VL (which leads I by 90°) and the vector OS represents VC (which legs behind I by 90°) VL and VC are opposite to each other.
If VL > VC (as shown in figure) then their resultant will be (VL – VC) which is represented by OT. Finally, the vector OK represents the resultant of VR and (VL – VC), that is, the resultant of all the three applied e.m.f
Phasor diagram also shown that in LCR circuit the applied e.m.f leads the current Iby a phase angle ϕ
Power Associated with series LCR Circuit Pavg=VrmsIrmsCosϕ
Half -Power Frequency: There are two such frequencies of applied ac-source in LCR-series circuit where power consumption is exactly half of the maximum at resonance; such frequencies are called half power frequencies.
ω1and ω2 are half power frequency
Bandwidth= 2Δ=ω2−ω1
At ω1and ω2⇒P=2PmaxandI=2Imax
17.0Quality Factor
This factor gives relative information about stored energy and lost energy per cycle.
18.0Power In AC
The rate of doing work or the amount of energy transferred by a circuit per unit time is known as power in AC circuits. It is used to calculate the total power required to supply a load.
For Capacitive Circuit,Pavg=0
For Inductive Circuit,Pavg=0
RMS Power,Prms=VrmsIrms
19.0Wattless Current
That component of current in ac-circuit which is not active, the component is I Sin
Wattful Power: Average power is also known as watt full power
Wattless Power: That component of current in ac-circuit which is not active.
20.0Power Factor
Average power Pavg=VrmsIrmsCosϕ
Power Factor(Cosϕ)=RMSPowerAveragePower
21.0Sample Questions on Alternating Current
Q-1. Define capacitive reactance. Write its SI Units?
Solution: This non-resistive opposition to the flow of A.C in a pure capacitive circuit is known as capacitive reactance XC.
Unit of XC :Ohm
Q-2. Define Quality factor of resonance in series LCR Circuit and write its SI Units?
Solution: It is the ratio of the resonant frequency to frequency bandwidth of the resonance curve.
It has no units; it determines the nature of sharpness of resonance.
Q-3. Why capacitors block Direct Current(DC)?
Solution: For d.c circuit f=0
XC=2πfC1=∞ but has a very small value for a.c
This shows that the capacitor blocks the flow of d.c but provides an easy path for individual components(R or L or C)
Q-4.The power factor of an ac circuit is 0.5.What is the phase difference between voltage and current in the circuit?
Solution: Power factor between voltage and current is given by Cos ϕ where ϕ is the phase difference
Table of Contents
1.0Definition of Alternating Current
2.0Comparison of AC and DC
3.0Advantage of AC
4.0Equation of Voltage and Current for AC
5.0Peak Value or Maximum Value
6.0Average Value
7.0Root Mean Square (R.M.S) Value
8.0Difference Between DC Meter and AC Meter
9.0Phasor Diagram
10.0AC Circuit Containing Resistor
11.0AC Circuit Containing Inductor
12.0AC Circuit Containing Capacitor
13.0Key Formula for AC Circuit containing R,L,C
14.0AC Circuit Containing RL,RC,LC Circuit
15.0AC Circuit Containing Series LCR Circuit
16.0Phasor Diagram for Series LCR Circuit
17.0Quality Factor
18.0Power In AC
19.0Wattless Current
20.0Power Factor
21.0Sample Questions on Alternating Current
Frequently Asked Questions
Since an AC current reverses direction according to the source frequency, the net attractive force averages to zero. Therefore, the AC Ampere must be defined based on a property that is independent of the current's direction. Joule's heating effect serves as such a property, which is why the RMS (Root Mean Square) value of AC is used for its definition.
The rate of doing work or the amount of energy transferred by a circuit per unit time is known as power in AC circuits.