A capacitor is the primary electronic component used to store electrical energy. Capacitor having two metallic plates separated by a certain distance and filled with dielectric materials like air, ceramic, electrolytes, etc. Capacitors can store energy when charging and release it when discharging, making them essential components in many electronic devices and systems. Their ability to store and manipulate electrical energy makes them indispensable in modern technology.
1.0Concept of Capacitors
A capacitor or condenser consists of two conductors separated by an insulator or dielectric. Having equal and opposite charges on which sufficient quantity of charge may be accommodated.
It is a device which is used to store energy in the form of Electric field by storing charge. Conductors are used to form capacitors.
2.0Electrical Capacitance
It demonstrates a conductor's ability to store electrical energy through an electric field. If charge(Q) is given to an isolated conducting body and it's potential increases by V, then ⇒Q∝V,Q=CV⇒C=VQ (C= Capacitance of the capacitor)
Electrical capacitance is a Scalar quantity.
Capacitance of conductor depends upon shape, size, presence of medium and nearness of other conductor.
Graph Between Q and V
S I Unit- Farad
CGS Unit-Stat Farad
Dimensional Formula-[M-1L-2T4A2]
3.0Types of Capacitors
Based on shape and arrangement of capacitor plates there are various types of capacitors
Parallel plate capacitor
Spherical capacitor
Cylindrical capacitor
4.0Circuit Symbols of Capacitor
5.0Capacitors Applications
Capacitors find extensive applications across diverse fields because of their efficient capability to store and discharge electrical energy.
Filtering and Smoothing
Energy Storage
Timing Circuits
Motor Starters
Power Factor Correction
Memory Backup
6.0Work done by External agent to charge a conductor
Work done by external agent to increase the potential of conductor from V1 to V2
7.0Energy Stored in a Capacitor
Potential energy of conductor will be stored in the form of electric field
⇒ Potential energy of conducting sphere
Capacitance of Isolated Spherical Conductor:
If the medium around the conductor is vacuum or air than capacitance is given by,
C=4πϵ0R (∴R = Radius of Spherical Conductor(Solid or Hollow)
If the medium around the conductor is a dielectric of constant K from surface of sphere to infinity then Cmedium =4πϵ0KR
Cair/vocuum Cmedium =K= Diekectric Constant
Capacitance of Spherical Capacitor:
Case 1: Outer Sphere is Earthed
When a charge Q is given to the inner sphere it is uniformly distributed on its surface A charge –Q is induced on the inner surface of the outer sphere. The charge +Q induced on the outer surface of the outer sphere flows to earth as it is grounded.
E=0 For r<a and E=0 for r>b ,this arrangement is known as spherical capacitor
Capacitance of spherical capacitor is given by
If dielectric medium is filled then
Case 2: Inner Sphere is earthed
Capacitance is given by,
Cylindrical Capacitor
There are two coaxial conducting cylindrical surfaces where l >> a and l >> b, where a and b are the radius of cylinders. When a charge Q is given to the inner cylinder it is uniformly distributed on its surface. A charge –Q is induced on the inner surface of the outer cylinder. The charge +Q induced on outer surface of outer cylinder flows to earth as it is grounded. Hence Capacitance is given by C=ln(ab)2πϵ0l
8.0Parallel Plate Capacitor(PPC)
It consist of two large plane parallel conducting plates separated by small distance
Capacitance of parallel plate capacitor with dielectric
Capacitance of Parallel Plate Capacitor Depends on
Area ⇒C∝A
Distance between the plates ⇒C∝d1
Medium between the Plates ⇒C∝ϵr
9.0Fringing of Electric Field
For the plates of finite area the electric field between the two plates will not be uniform and the field lines bend outward at the edges. This is called "fringing of electric field"
Capacitance of Parallel plate Capacitor when dielectric is partially filled:
Capacitance is given by,
Force between Plates of Parallel plate Capacitor
Force between two plates means force on a plate.
Pressure on each plate of a capacitor
Electrostatic pressure always acts perpendicular to the surface and outwards.
Sharing of Charges
When two charged conductors are connected by a conducting wire then charge flows from a conductor at higher potential to that at lower potential. This flow of charge stops when the potential of both conductors become equal. This potential is called Common Potential.
By using conservation of charge ,charge before sharing is equal to charge after sharing.
Common Potential after connection is given by, C=C1+C2C1V1+C2V2
Charges after Connection
Q1′=(C1+C2C1)Q (∴ Q = Total charge on the system)
In case of spherical conductors ,ratio of the charges after redistribution
Energy Density (UE)
Potential Energy stored in the form of electric field ,the space between two plates and volume of this space is (A ✖ d)
Charging of Capacitor by Battery
When an uncharged capacitor is connected to a battery, half of the energy supplied by the battery is stored in the capacitor, while the other half is dissipated.
Energy loss does not depend on the resistance of the circuit.
By using given concept we calculate the heat loss
Wby Battery =ΔU + Heat Loss
Heat Loss =21CV2
For Parallel Plate Capacitor
If Like plates Connected
Common Potential (V)=C1+C2C1V1+C2V2
Heat =21(C1+C2)C1C2(V1−V2)2
If Unlike plates are connected
Common Potential (V)=C1+C2C1V1−C2V2
Heat =21(C1+C2)C1C2(V1+V2)2
10.0Combinations of Capacitor(Series and Parallel Combination)
Series Combination
Capacitors are connected end-to-end so that the same current flows through each Capacitor. The total Capacitance in series is less than any individual capacitor's Capacitance. The Charge on each Capacitor connected in series is the same.
When two capacitors are connected in series, than effective capacitance is given by
The effective capacitance of capacitors in series connection is lower than the capacitance of each capacitor individually.
The Charge for each capacitor in the series is the same.
Parallel combination of Capacitor
Capacitors are connected across each other's terminals and share the same voltage. When a potential difference V is applied across the terminals all capacitors have equal potential difference. The equivalent Capacitance of parallel combination is more significant than any of the capacitances in the combination.
Effective Capacitance is given by, C=C1+C2+C3
Effective Capacitance of parallel combination is greater than any of the capacitance.
In Parallel combination, voltage across each Capacitor is the same.
11.0Dielectrics and its Types
The insulators in which microscopic local displacement of charges takes place in presence of electric fields are known as dielectrics
Dielectrics are non-conductors upto certain value of field depending on its nature. If the field exceeds this limiting value called dielectric strength they lose their insulating property and begin to conduct.
Dielectric Strength-It defined as the maximum value of electric field that a dielectric can tolerate without breakdown
Unit is volt/metre.
Dimensions [M1 L1 T–3 A–1]
Polar Dielectrics
In absence of an external field the centres of positive and negative charge do not coincide-due to asymmetric shape of molecules. Each molecule has permanent dipole moment. The dipole are randomly oriented so average dipole moment per unit volume of polar dielectric in absence of external field is nearly zero. In presence of external field dipoles tends to align in direction of field.
Example- Water, Alcohol CO2, NH3
Dipole moment of polar molecules depends on temperature
Non Polar Dielectric
In the absence of an external field the centre of positive and negative charge coincides in these atoms or molecules because they are symmetric. The dipole moment is zero in normal state. In the presence of an external field they acquire induced dipole moments.
Example: Nitrogen, Oxygen, Benzene, Methane
Induced electric dipole moment of non-polar molecules is independent of temperature
The alignment of dipole moments of permanent or induced dipoles in the direction of applied electric field is called polarisation.
Polarisation vector (P)
This is a vector quantity which describes the extent to which molecules of dielectric become polarized by an electric field or oriented in the direction of the field.
P=σi(Induced surface charge density) Hence Polarisation is equal to induced surface charge density.
Capacitors with Dielectric
Electric Field in the absence of Dielectric, E=ϵ0σ
Electric Field in absence of Dielectric, E0=ϵ0AQ
Electric Field in absence of Dielectric, E=dV
Capacitance in absence of Dielectric, C0=V0Q
Capacitance in presence of Dielectric, C=VQ−Qb
Dielectric Constant or Relative Permittivity (K or ϵr)
In presence of dielectric, capacitance is increased by a factor K
12.0Effects of Dielectrics in Capacitor
Distance Division
Distance is Divided and area remains same
Capacitors are in Series
Individual Capacitance are
Effective Capacitance is given by, C=ϵ0A[d1ϵr2+d2ϵr1ϵr1ϵr2]
Special Case: If d1=d2=2d⇒C=dϵ0A[ϵr1+ϵr22ϵr1ϵr2]
Area Division
Area is divided and distance remains same
Capacitors are in Parallel
Individual capacitors are
Effective Capacitance is given by C=dϵ0ϵr1A1+dϵ0ϵr2A2
Special Case: If A1=A2=2A⇒C=dϵ0A(2ϵr1+ϵr2)
13.0RC Circuits
An electric circuit consisting of resistor(s) and capacitor(s) only is known as RC circuit.
Charging of Capacitor:
Quantity of charge at any instant of time t is given by q=q0[1−e−(RCt)]
The quantity of charge increases exponentially with increase in time.
If t=RC= then
q=q0[1−e−(RCt)]=q0[1−e1]=0.63q0=63% of q0
t=RC is known as time constant, this is defined as the time during which the charge rises on the capacitor plate to 63% of its maximum value.
Potential difference across the capacitor plate at any instant is given by
Current at any time t is given by, i=REe−RCt
t=RC==Time constant
I=I0[1−e−(RCRC)]=eI0=0.37I0=37%OfI0, time constant is that time during which current in the circuit falls to 37% of its maximum value.
Potential difference across resistor at any time t is given by,
Heat dissipated by using energy conservation,
Heat dissipated=Work done by battery- Δ∪capacitor
Heat dissipated =CE(E)−(21CE2−0)=21CE2
14.0Discharging of a Capacitor
Quantity of charge at any time t is given by, q=q0e−RCt
Current at any time, i=−dtdq=RCq0e−RCt
Potential difference across the capacitor at any time, VC=Cq=Cq0e−RCt
Potential difference across the resistor at any time, VR=iR=Cq0e−RCt
Dimension of RC are those of time [M0L0T1]
Dimension of RC1 are those of frequency [M0L0T-1]
15.0Sample Questions On Capacitors
Q1. The stratosphere acts as a conducting layer for the earth. If the stratosphere extends beyond 50 km from the surface of earth, then calculate the capacitance of the spherical capacitor formed between stratosphere and earth's surface. Take the radius of earth as 6400 km.
Capacitance of spherical Capacitor C=4πϵ0(b−aab)
b = radius of the top of stratosphere layer =6400 + 50 =6450 km =6.45 ✕ 106 m
Q3. A slab of material dielectric constant r has the same plate area as that of a parallel plate capacitor but a different thickness (2d/3), where d is the separation of the plates. How is the capacitance changed when the slab is inserted between the plates?
Q4. A capacitor of capacitance 1F is connected in a closed series circuit with a resistance of 107 ohms, an open key and a cell of 2 V with negligible internal resistance:
(i) When the key is switched on at time t = 0, find;
(a) The time constant for the circuit.
(b) The charge on the capacitor at steady state.
(ii) If after completely charging the capacitor, the cell is shorted by zero resistance at time t = 0,Determine the charge stored in the capacitor at t = 50 s. (Given: e–5 = 6.73 × 10–3, ln2 = 0.693)