In digital circuits, logic gates are the basic building blocks of electronic circuits and integrate circuit technology. Digital devices like laptops and smartphones use binary bits to perform mathematical operations. The base of digital electronics is general logic gates: OR, AND, and NOT. By using combinations, various logic gates can be generated. Combinations of these gates make a NAND gate, also known as a Sheffer stroke. By using a NAND gate, complex functions can be processed efficiently. A NAND gate combines an AND gate and a NOT gate.
A NAND gate combines an AND gate and a NOT gate. It is obtained by combining the output of an AND gate with the input of a NOT gate. The truth table of the NAND gate can be obtained by determining the negation of its output.
A NAND gate typically has two inputs, denoted as A and B. The output Y of a NAND gate is shown below:
A NAND gate has two inputs and only a single output; the number of inputs can be increased according to need. It is a reciprocal of an AND gate. The output will be high if any one of the inputs is low. The NAND gate is a Universal gate.
The symbol is the same as the AND gate but with a small circle at the output. The small circle indicates the NOT or INVERTER operation.
(Session 2025 - 26)