Periodic motion is defined as any motion that repeats at consistent intervals. It is characterized by a specific period, which is the time required to complete one full cycle. This type of motion can be found in various natural and mechanical systems and is essential in many areas, including physics, engineering, and music. Periodic motion is crucial for understanding waves, musical instruments, and the design of clocks and oscillators in electronics. It also plays a vital role in comprehending a range of physical phenomena in nature, from atomic oscillations to the behavior of larger systems.
Any motion that repeats at regular time intervals is known as periodic motion or harmonic motion. The fixed interval of time after which the motion occurs again is referred to as the time period.
For checking the periodicity by replacing t by (t+T)
Function is Periodic
For representing periodic functions harmonic functions are used. The trigonometric functions of constant amplitude and single frequency are called harmonic functions, among all trigonometric functions only Sin and Cos functions are taken in basic form.
y=A Sin =A Sint
y=A Cos =A Cost
, n where n is frequency and is angular frequency.
Mean Position: The point at which the restoring force on the particle is zero and potential energy is minimum is known as its mean position.
Restoring Force:
If the body moves back and forth about a fixed point after a certain interval of time.
F ∝ -x F=-kx
k is restoring force constant
It is known as the differential equation of linear SHM.
is the angular frequency
T is the time period and f is the frequency
Q-1. Which of the following function represents periodic or non-periodic motion?
Sint is a periodic function with period =
Cos2t is a periodic function with period =
Sin4t is a periodic function with period
Given function is periodic
Q-2. Are the functions tangent and cotangent periodic, or are they harmonic functions?
Solution: Both and Cot t are periodic functions each with period
But these functions are not harmonic because they can take any value between 0 and ∞
Q-3. The Earth completes its cycle around its axis in 24 hours, but since there is no oscillatory motion involved, can we say that this rotation is periodic rather than simple harmonic?
The girls and the swing together form a pendulum with a certain time period. When the girls stand up, their center of gravity is raised, which reduces the distance between the point of suspension and the center of gravity, effectively shortening the lengthl. As a result, the time period decreases.
(Session 2025 - 26)