Wien's Displacement Law is a foundational principle in the study of thermal radiation physics. It asserts that the wavelength at which a blackbody emits radiation most intensely is inversely proportional to its absolute temperature. This law is essential for comprehending concepts like thermal radiation and blackbody emission spectra, offering insights into the energy distribution of objects based on their temperatures.
It pertains specifically to blackbodies, theoretical objects that absorb all incident radiation and emit radiation at all wavelengths. This Law plays a pivotal role in deducing the temperatures of stars by analyzing the properties of their emitted radiation.
The wavelength (m) corresponds to the maximum emission of radiation decreasing with increasing temperature. This is known as Wien's Displacement Law.
It is the emissive power about a particular wavelength. The amount of heat radiation emitted by unit area of the body in one second in unit spectral region at a given wavelength.
Electromagnetic radiation emitted by a theoretical idealized object known as a blackbody characterizes its unique nature. A blackbody absorbs all incident radiation without reflecting at any wavelength and emits radiation across all wavelengths with optimal efficiency. While real objects do not perfectly match these conditions, blackbodies are vital theoretical constructs. They emit radiation over a continuous spectrum of wavelengths spanning from infrared through visible light and ultraviolet, extending further into microwave and radio frequencies at lower temperatures, creating a seamless and uninterrupted emission spectrum.
There are two experimentally ideal black body
(a).Wein’s Ideal Black Body
(b).Ferry’s Ideal Black Body
Note: An ideal black body need not be of black color(eg. Sun)
Wien's Displacement Law states that as the temperature of a blackbody increases, the wavelength at which it emits radiation most intensely decreases.
Q-1. Temperatures of two stars are in ratio 3:2. If the wavelength of maximum radiation from the first body is 4000 Å, what is the corresponding wavelength of the second body?
Q-2. Two spherical ideal black bodies of radii r1and r2 are having surface temperature and respectively, if both radiate the same power. Then calculate the ratio of .
Q-3. Why does an optical pyrometer calibrated for ideal blackbody radiation provide an inaccurate temperature reading for a red-hot iron piece in open air, but give an accurate reading when the same piece is placed inside a furnace?
Let T denote the temperature of the heated iron in the furnace. Heat radiated per second per unit area
When the body is placed in the open at temperature , then
Since ( E' < E ), it is evident that the optical pyrometer provides a temperature reading that is too low when used in an open environment.
Q-4.Two bodies A and B have thermal emissivity of 0.01 and 0.81 respectively. The outer surface areas of two bodies are equal, and both bodies emit radiant power at the same rate. The wavelength corresponding to the maximum spectral radiance of body B is shifted by 1 meter from the wavelength corresponding to the maximum spectral radiance of body A. Given that the temperature of body A is 5802 K, calculate:
Q-5. The figure depicts the spectral energy distribution of radiation emitted by a blackbody at a certain temperature. Determine the potential temperature of the blackbody is .
Using Wien's Law,
(Session 2025 - 26)