The two cerebral hemispheres of the human brain are connected via a band of fibers called corpus callosum that allows the two sides to communicate and stay in sync. In this patient, damage to these fibers due to a stroke did unleash a more labile and emotionally volatile right hemisphere controlling her left hand, resulting in such an abnormality.
Corpus Callosum Anatomical Relation:
Arrangements of Fibers:
Corpus Callosum Blood Supply:
Corpus Callosum Composition:
Hemialexia: Unable to read matter presented to the left visual field, as the symbols seen in the left visual field are projected to the right hemisphere, which has no access to the left hemisphere language centers.
Left ideomotor apraxia: Unable to work with left hand on verbal command.
Left agraphia: Unable to write from dictation with left hand.
Left tactile anomia: Unable to name an object held in the left hand with closed eyes.
(Session 2025 - 26)