The blood of all human appears similar but yet differ in certain aspects.
ABO system and Rh factors are taken into consideration.
A, B, O system discovered by Karl Landsteiner.
The type of blood group depends on the type of surface antigen or Agglutinogen (Chemicals that can induce immune response), which are two types A & B. These antigens are present in the red blood cell membrane.
Two types of antibodies or Agglutinin (Proteins produced in response to antigen)- anti-A, anti-B are also found in the plasma in the blood.
There are four types of blood groups : A, B, AB and O.
The blood of a donor has to be carefully matched with the blood of a recipient before any blood transfusion to avoid severe problems of clumping (destruction of RBC).
During blood transfusion, the antibodies of receiver attack on antigens of donor if these are same. This may cause severe complications and death of the receiver.
(i) Antigen A + anti-A = death of person due to clumping of RBCs.
(ii) Antigen B + anti-B = death of person due to clumping of RBCs.
Rh Factor Incompatibility
Rh antigen is due to dominant gene. An Rh-ve person if exposed to Rh+ve blood, will form specific antibodies against the Rh antigen.
Treatment - To make the second pregnancy safe, medicines like RhoGAM, Anti-D etc. are administered to the mother immediately after the delivery of first child.
(Its network + dead damaged formed elements of blood are trapped in it = Clot/coagulam (Reddish brown scum)
Blood– Corpuscles = Plasma; Plasma– fibrinogen and large proteins = Serum
In closed type of blood vascular system, blood vessels are of 3 types:
(1) Arteries (2) Veins (3) Capillaries
Artery carries oxygenated blood from heart to the different organs of the body.
Veins carry deoxygenated blood from body organs to the heart.
Capillaries are present in the organs, and these are the vessels through which exchange of materials takes place between blood and tissues.
Anatomy of arteries and veins: Normally three layers are found in the walls of blood vessels:
(i) Tunica external: It is the outermost layer. It is formed of loose connective tissue in which many collagen fibres, elastin fibres and longitudinal muscles are found.
(ii) Tunica media: It is a thick layer of circular non-striated muscles and a network of elastin fibres.
(iii) Tunica internal/intimal: This layer is made up of squamous epithelium, it is also known as endothelium.
One more layer is present in the wall of bigger arteries, that is known as elastic membrane. This is found in between the tunica media and tunica internal layers.
These all layers are well developed in the walls of arteries as compared to the walls of veins.
Walls of arteries are thick and more muscular and these walls are elastic and non-collapsable.
The walls of veins are thin, less muscular, non-elastic and collapsable.
In the walls of blood capillaries, only endothelium layer is found. It is made up of simple squamous epithelium. These blood capillaries join the arteries with the veins.
(Session 2025 - 26)