JEE Chemistry
Glucose Structure

Glucose Structure

1.0What is Glucose? 

Glucose is a simple sugar and a fundamental source of energy for living organisms. It's a type of carbohydrate known as a monosaccharide, meaning it's the simplest form of sugar and cannot be further broken down into smaller sugars by hydrolysis.

Chemically, glucose is a hexose sugar, meaning it contains six carbon atoms, twelve hydrogen atoms, and six oxygen atoms (C6H12O6). In this topic we will understand different forms of glucose structure, but its most common form is a six-membered cyclic structure of glucose called a hexose ring.

2.0Properties of Glucose

Glucose is vital for biological processes and is a primary energy source in cells, providing energy for cellular activities through the process of cellular respiration. It's found in various foods, including fruits, honey, and starchy vegetables, and plays an important role in the regulation of blood sugar levels in the body.

  • Glucose serves as a building block for more complex carbohydrates and is a crucial component in carbohydrate metabolism.
  • It's obtained from various dietary sources like fruits, starchy vegetables, and carbohydrates in foods.

Here, we will discuss some important physical properties of Glucose-

  • State at Room Temperature: Glucose typically exists as a white crystalline solid at room temperature.
  • Solubility: It's highly soluble in water due to its hydrophilic nature, forming a clear, colorless solution. However, it has limited solubility in non-polar solvents like ether or chloroform.
  • Taste: Glucose is moderately sweet and is one of the sources of sweetness in various foods.
  • Melting Point: The melting point of glucose is around 146°C (295°F), leading to its transformation from a solid to a liquid state.
  • Optical Activity: Glucose displays optical activity, with D-glucose typically rotating plane-polarized light to the right (dextrorotatory) and L-glucose rotating it to the left (levorotatory).
  • Hygroscopic Nature: Glucose has hygroscopic properties, meaning it can absorb moisture from the surrounding environment.

3.0Structure of Glucose

Understanding the structural variations of glucose, particularly in its ring forms, is crucial in comprehending its roles in biological processes and its significance as an energy source.                                       

Structure of Glucose exists in two structural forms-

  1. Open Chain Structure                                        
  2. Cyclic Structure 

  1. Open Chain Structure

The open chain structure of glucose refers to its linear form, which is less common compared to its cyclic or ring structures.

 In this arrangement, glucose exists as a straight chain of six carbon atoms, each bonded to hydrogen and hydroxyl (-OH) groups.

Fischer Projection of Glucose - A Fischer projection is a way to represent the three-dimensional structure of a molecule in a two-dimensional format. 

  • It's commonly used to depict organic compounds, especially carbohydrates and amino acids. 
  • The 2D structures display two types of glucose.
  • Glucose is correctly named as D(+)-glucose. The meaning of D– and L– notations is given as follows.


  • D before the name of glucose represents the configuration whereas (+) represents dextrorotatory nature of the molecule.

Epimers : Optically active diastereomers which have different configurations about one of the chiral carbon and same configuration at remaining carbon are called epimers.

  • D-Glucose and D-Mannose are C-2 epimers.  

D-Glucose and D-Manose

The open-chain structure of glucose can be deduced from several key characteristics:

  • Molecular Formula (C6H12O6): Glucose's analysis and molecular weight establish its molecular formula as C6H12O6.
  • Unbranched 6-Carbon Chain: Glucose is reduced to n-hexane with concentrated hydrogen iodide and red phosphorus, indicating it's composed of an unbranched six-carbon chain.


Unbranched 6-Carbon Chain


  • Presence of 5 Hydroxyl Groups (-OH): Reaction with acetic anhydride forms pentadactyl derivatives, confirming the existence of five distinct hydroxyl groups. Glucose's stability prevents multiple -OH groups on the same carbon.

Presence of 5 Hydroxyl Groups (-OH)


  • Presence of C=O Group (Carbonyl): Glucose reacts with hydroxylamine to produce an oxime, affirming the presence of a carbonyl group.


Presence of C=O Group (Carbonyl)


  • Terminal CHO Function: Mild oxidation of glucose with bromine water converts it to gluconic acid, further reduced to hexanoic acid with excess HI, confirming the presence of a terminal CHO function.


Terminal CHO Function

           Glucose                      Gluconic Acid                                Hexanoic Acid

These experimental observations and reactions support the structure of glucose as an unbranched six-carbon chain with multiple hydroxyl groups (-OH), a carbonyl group (C=O), and a terminal CHO function.

4.0Cyclic or Haworth Structure of Glucose

Haworth projections are visual representations used to depict the cyclic structure of carbohydrates, including glucose, in a flattened two-dimensional format. They provide a clearer illustration of the ring structure compared to Fischer projections.


Cyclic or Haworth Structure of Glucose


In solutions, the open-chain structure of glucose, whether "D-" or "L-", coexists in equilibrium with various cyclic isomers, each featuring a ring of carbon atoms closed by an oxygen atom. 

However, in an aqueous environment, over 99% of glucose molecules predominantly adopt the pyranose form. The open-chain configuration constitutes only around 0.25%, while furanose forms are present in minimal quantities. The terms "glucose" and "D-glucose" generally encompass these cyclic variations.


Glucose structure


The cyclic structure of glucose originates from the open-chain structure through an intramolecular nucleophilic addition reaction. This reaction occurs between the aldehyde group (at C-1) and hydroxyl group, C-4 or C-5, resulting in the formation of a hemiacetal linkage, −C(OH)H−O−.

Glucose structure

The interaction between C-1 and C-5 leads to the formation of a six-membered heterocyclic structure known as a pyranose. A pyranose constitutes a monosaccharide sugar (hence "-ose") containing a modified pyran framework. 


Glucose structure


Conversely, the less common interaction between C-1 and C-4 results in a five-membered furanose ring, named after the cyclic ether furan. 

In either scenario, each carbon within the ring is bonded to one hydrogen and one hydroxyl group, except for the last carbon (C-4 or C-5). At this terminal carbon, the hydroxyl group is replaced by the remainder of the open molecule, which is either −(C(CH2OH)HOH)−H or −(CHOH)−H, respectively.

In ring-closing Reaction, it produces two distinct products termed "α-" and "β-". In the Haworth projection of a glucopyranose molecule, "α-" shows that the hydroxyl group linked to C-1 and the −CH2OH group at C-5 are arranged on opposite sides of the ring's plane (a trans arrangement). 

Conversely, "β-" indicates that they are on the same side of the ring's plane (a cis arrangement).             

Glucose Structure


Anomers are a specific type of stereoisomers known as epimers, which differ only in their spatial configuration around one particular carbon atom. This carbon atom, known as the anomeric carbon, is unique because it is the only carbon within the molecule that is attached to two oxygen atoms. The anomeric carbon was originally the carbonyl carbon in the open-chain form of the sugar.

α-D-glucose and β-D-glucose serve as classic examples of anomers. The terms α and β indicate the distinct spatial configurations around the anomeric carbon. These configurations are key to distinguishing one anomer from another. As a subset of diastereomers, anomers share this feature of differing at only one specific carbon atom when compared to other forms of the same molecular structure.

Note - The glucopyranose ring, whether in its α or β form, can adopt various non-planar conformations, similar to the "chair" and "boat" configurations observed in cyclohexane.

In solid form, only the glucopyranose structures of glucose are found.


Mutarotation refers to the process where an anomeric carbon in a cyclic sugar, like glucose, undergoes a shift in its configuration between its alpha (α) and beta (β) forms when dissolved in a solvent, particularly water. This dynamic process involves the interconversion of α and β anomers, leading to a mixture with an equilibrium ratio between the two forms. In the case of glucose, mutarotation occurs when the cyclic structure opens temporarily to its open-chain form and then reforms, resulting in a balanced distribution of α and β forms in solution.

Mutarotation of Glucose 

In an aqueous solution, D-Glucose is composed of approximately 36% α-D-glucopyranose and 64% β-D-glucopyranose. Initially, β-D-glucopyranose, when dissolved, rotates a plane-polarized light by +18.7°. Upon mutarotation, some β-D-glucopyranose converts to α-D-glucopyranose, exhibiting a rotation of +112.2° for the plane-polarized light. Consequently, the equilibrium solution comprises around 36% α-D-glucopyranose and 64% β-D-glucopyranose. 

Glucose Structure

Frequently Asked Questions

Definition of Glucose structure involves fundamental sugar composed of a six-carbon ring structure, vital for energy production in living organisms. Its molecular formula is C6H12O6, and it can exist in various cyclic forms, including α and β anomers.

Fischer projection is a two-dimensional representation of the three-dimensional structure of glucose. In this format, glucose's chiral centers are shown as horizontal and vertical lines, indicating the spatial arrangement of atoms around these centers.

Glucose exists in two cyclic forms: alpha (α) and beta (β). These variations arise due to the specific orientation of the hydroxyl group at the first carbon in the glucose ring. Alpha and beta configurations are distinguished by the position of the -OH group either above (alpha) or below (beta) the plane of the ring.

Mutarotation is the process where glucose interconverts between its alpha and beta anomers in a dynamic equilibrium. In an aqueous solution, the molecule undergoes a temporary open-chain structure, enabling the conversion between the alpha and beta forms of glucose structure.

(Session 2024 - 25)

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