JEE Chemistry
Hybridization of Carbon

Hybridization of Carbon

Hybridization is a concept that emerged to better explain molecular structures by combining atomic orbitals in a way that aligns with experimental observations.

The concept of hybridization in chemistry was introduced to explain the structure of molecules in a way that is consistent with both experimental observations and quantum mechanics. Hybridization is a model that combines atomic orbitals to form new, hybrid orbitals that better describe the geometry and bonding in molecules. Let’s understand this concept in detail with the help of the Hybridization of Carbon compounds. 

1.0Hybridization of Carbon in Organic Compound

Hybridization in carbon is a foundational concept in organic chemistry, elucidating how carbon atoms create bonds and adopt specific structures. Carbon atoms undergo hybridization, combining various orbitals to form equivalent sets for bonding. The primary types of hybridization in carbon are sp3, sp2, and sp. 

2.0Overview of Hybridization in Carbon


Name of Compound

Number of σ    Bonds












  Trigonal Planar






3.0Hybridization in Carbon

 Let’s understand Hybridization in different Carbon compounds :

1. Methane, CH₄ :

  • Carbon's ground state electronic configuration: 1s² 2s² 2p².
  • In the ground state, carbon has only two unpaired electrons and can form two bonds.

Hybridization in methane

  • Through excitation, an electron moves from a paired 2s orbital to an empty 2p orbital, resulting in four unpaired electrons.
  • However, using only 2s and 2p orbitals leads to uneven bond lengths.

Hybridization in methane

Hybridization (sp³) mixes 2s, 2px, 2py, and 2pz orbitals, forming four identical sp³ hybrid orbitals.

These sp³ orbitals result in the tetrahedral shape of methane.

2. Ethene, C₂H₄:

  • Carbon in ethene forms three sigma bonds and one pi bond.

Hybridization of ethene

  • H-C-H bond angle = 117.6°
  • H-C-C bond angle = 121°      
  • Bond length (C=C) = 134 pm
  • Bond length (C-H) = 108 pm
  • Hybridization (sp²) involves mixing 2s, 2px, and 2py orbitals to form three identical sp² hybrid orbitals.

Hybridization of ethene

  • These sp² orbitals lead to a trigonal planar shape.

Hybridization of ethene

The unhybridized 2pz orbital is used in pi bond formation.

3. Ethyne, C₂H₂:

  • Carbon in ethyne forms two sigma bonds and two pi bonds.
  • Hybridization (sp) involves mixing 2s and 2px orbitals to form two identical sp hybrid orbitals.


  • These sp orbitals result in a linear shape.
  • The unhybridized 2py and 2pz orbitals are used in pi bond formation.
Frequently Asked Questions

Hybridization in carbon is a phenomenon where the atomic orbitals of a carbon atom combine to form new hybrid orbitals. These hybrid orbitals have different shapes and energies compared to the original orbitals and are involved in the formation of chemical bonds.

Carbon undergoes hybridization to achieve a more stable and predictable geometry in molecules. It allows carbon to form strong sigma bonds by mixing its available atomic orbitals, contributing to the overall structural integrity of organic compounds.

Hybridization determines the arrangement of atoms in a molecule, influencing its geometry. For instance, sp³ hybridization leads to a tetrahedral shape, sp² to a trigonal planar shape, and sp to a linear shape.

(Session 2024 - 25)

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