JEE Maths
Double Integral

Double Integral

Double integration is a mathematical process used to compute the integral of a function over a two-dimensional region. It involves two successive integrations and is often used to find areas, volumes, and other quantities that extend over a plane. Formally, if f(x, y) is a function defined over a region R in the xy -plane, the double integral of f over R is denoted as:

where dA represents the differential area element. The double integral can be evaluated iteratively by integrating f with respect to one variable while treating the other variable as a constant, and then integrating the resulting expression with respect to the second variable.

1.0Double Integral

An integral in which the integrand is integrated twice is a double integral,

The integration is performed from the inside out.

Example 1: Find



Functions of more than one variable may be integrated with respect to one variable at a time while the other variables are held constant, reversing the process of partial differentiation.

Example 2: Find

Solution: Hold y constant and integrate with respect to x:

∫ (4y3 + 2x) dx = 4y3 x + x2 + C;

= (4y3. 2 + 22) – (4y3+12) = 4y3+ 3

Integrate with respect to y:

∫(4y3+3) dy = y4 + 3y + C;


Example 3: Find  .


2.0Geometrical Interpretation of the Double Integral

We are familiar with the geometrical interpretation of the equation y = f(x) as a curve in the two-dimensional x, y- plane, and of the integral as an area between the curve and the x- axis.

Similarly, while the equation z = f(x, y) defines a surface in the three-dimensional x, y, z - space , the double integral of a continuous function of two variables , may be interpreted as a volume between the surface z= f(x, y) and the x, y-plane.

Graph showing geometrical interpretation of the double integral

In the graph, the rectangular area ΔAi in the x, y-plane is projected on the surface z = f (x, y).

The quantity ΔAi = Δxi Δyi is the area of the bottom surface of a column whose top surface is part of the surface f (xi, yi).

The smaller the area ΔAi, the closer the volume of the column is to that of a parallelepiped measuring f(xi, yi)  ΔAi.

If the domain D, consisting of (x, y) with c ≤ x ≤ d, a ≤ y ≤ b, is divided into an increasingly greater number of rectangles so that ΔAi tends to 0, then the volume between the surface z = f(x, y) and D equals then the sum of all parallelepipeds measuring f(xi, yi) Δxi Δyi ; thus,


3.0Solved Examples on Double Integral

Example 1: Evaluate the double integral over the region R where and :

Step 1: Set Up the Double Integral

Step 2: Integrate with Respect to y 

Step 3: Integrate with Respect to x 

Thus, the value of the double integral is .

Example 2: Evaluate the double integral over the region R where and :

Step 1: Set Up the Double Integral

Step 2: Integrate with Respect to y 

Step 3: Integrate with Respect to x 

Thus, the value of the double integral is e – 2.

Example 3: Evaluate the double integral over the triangular region R with vertices at (0,0), (1,0), and (0,1):

Step 1: Set Up the Double Integral

The region R is bounded by y = 0, x = 0, and y = 1 – x . Therefore, we integrate with respect to y first:

Step 2: Integrate with Respect to y

=3 x(1-x)+2(1-x)^2-0

=3 x-3 x^2+2-4 x+2 x^2


Step 3: Integrate with Respect to x 

Thus, the value of the double integral is .

Example 4: 

Evaluate the double integral over the region R where and :

Step 1: Set Up the Double Integral

Step 2: Integrate with Respect to y 

Step 3: Integrate with Respect to x 

Thus, the value of the double integral is 2.

Example 5: Evaluate the double integral over the region R where and


Step 1: Set Up the Double Integral

Step 2: Integrate with Respect to y 

Step 3: Integrate with Respect to x 



Thus, the value of the double integral is 2.

4.0Practice Questions on Double Integral

Question 1: Evaluate the double integral over the region R where and .

Question 2: Evaluate the double integral over the region R where and .

Question 3: Evaluate the double integral over the triangular region R with vertices at (0,0), (1,0), and (1,1).

Question 4: Evaluate the double integral over the region R where and .

Question 5: Evaluate the double integral over the region R where and .

Question 6: Evaluate the double integral over the region R where and .

Question 7: Evaluate the double integral over the region R where and .

Question 8: Evaluate the double integral over the region R where and .

Question 9: Evaluate the double integral over the region R where and .

Question 10: Evaluate the double integral over the region R where and .

Frequently Asked Questions

A double integral is a way to integrate a function of two variables over a two-dimensional region. It is used to calculate areas, volumes, and other quantities that depend on two variables.

To set up a double integral, you need to determine the limits of integration for both variables and the integrand (the function to be integrated). The order of integration (whether you integrate with respect to x first or y first) depends on the region of integration and can sometimes simplify the calculation.

The geometric interpretation of a double integral is often the volume under a surface in three-dimensional space. If the function represents a height above the xy-plane, the double integral calculates the volume between the surface and the plane over the specified region.

To change the order of integration, you need to redraw the region of integration and re-evaluate the limits for each variable. This can often simplify the integral, especially if the original order results in complicated limits.

An iterated integral is an integral performed in a sequence, one variable at a time. A double integral is the combined process of iterating over both variables to integrate over a two-dimensional region. Essentially, a double integral is computed as an iterated integral.

To evaluate a double integral over a non-rectangular region, you need to carefully set the limits of integration to match the boundaries of the region. This often involves using piecewise functions or splitting the region into simpler subregions.

To use polar coordinates, you transform the x and y coordinates into r (radius) and θ (angle). The double integral is then expressed in terms of r and θ, and the integrand is multiplied by the Jacobian determinant r. The limits of integration are also adjusted to reflect the new coordinates.

Yes, double integrals can be used to find areas by integrating a constant function (usually 1) over the region.

(Session 2024 - 25)

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