A matrix is actually an arrangement of numbers, symbols, or expressions in rows and columns. Every element in a matrix is put at a specific position. Matrices are used in mathematics, physics, engineering, and computer science. Now, let's take a closer look at different types of matrices in simple words.
Although there are different types of matrices are of many types, here are some of the most common matrices that are used in not only maths but also in physics.
A row matrix is a matrix that has only one row. The number of columns can be any positive integer, but the number of rows is always one.
Example: Here, matrix A has 1 Row and 3 Columns
A column matrix is the opposite of a row matrix. It has only one column. The number of its rows can be any positive integer, but the columns are always one in number.
Example: Matrix B has 3 Rows and 1 Column.
It is a type of matrix that has the same number of rows and columns. A square matrix can have orders like 2 2, 33, etc.
Example: Matrix C is a 22 matrix.
The zero matrix has all the elements that are zero. It can be of any size.
Example: Matrix Z is a 33 zero matrix.
Here are some special types of matrices in maths that have some specific properties.
An identity matrix is a special type of square matrix in which all the diagonal elements are equal to 1 (One), and all other elements are 0 (Zero). The identity matrix is often denoted by In, where n is the order of the matrix.
Example: Matrix I3 is a 33 identity matrix.
A diagonal matrix is a square matrix in which all elements in the matrix outside the major diagonal are zero. The elements of the main diagonal may have any values.
Example: Matrix D is a 33 diagonal matrix.
A scalar matrix is a special case of a diagonal matrix where all the diagonal elements are the same.
Example: Matrix S is a scalar matrix because all diagonal elements are 6
A symmetric matrix is such type of square matrix that is equal to its transpose. That is, if A is a symmetric matrix, then. A=AT.
Example: Matrix A is symmetric because A=AT.
A skew-symmetric matrix is a square matrix that is the negative of its transpose. That is, if A is skew-symmetric, then A=-AT.
Example: Matrix N is skew-symmetric because N=-NT.
A matrix A is said to be idempotent if A2 =A. That is, the matrix multiplied by itself results in the same matrix. Idempotent matrices have applications in many fields, like projection operators in linear algebra.
A matrix A is said to be nilpotent if Ak=0 for some positive integer k, where 0 is the zero matrix. Nilpotent matrices have all eigenvalues equal to zero, and their powers eventually become the zero matrix.
Singular Matrix: A square matrix that is non-invertible. Its determinant is zero (det(A)=0).
Non-singular Matrix: A square matrix that is invertible, and the determinant of the matrix is non-zero. (det(A)≠0).
A matrix A is Hermitian if A=AH, where AH is the conjugate transpose of A. All the eigenvalues of a Hermitian matrix are always real, and its diagonal elements are real. Hermitian matrices arise in quantum mechanics and many areas of physics.
Problem 1: Show that a matrix which is both symmetric and skew-symmetric is a zero matrix.
Solution: A matrix Let A be symmetric if the matrix is equal to its transpose.
A = AT …….(1)
This means that all the elements of ith row are equal to jth row and jth column is equal to ith column of A.
aij = aji
For the matrix let A to be a skew-symmetric matrix, A needs to be equal to the negative of the transpose of the matrix.
A = – AT …….(2)
This also implies that aij = aji
Now, equating both equations
A = AT = – AT
A + AT = 0
A + A = 0
2A = 0
A = 0
Therefore, A must be the zero matrix. This proves that a matrix which is both symmetric and skew-symmetric is necessarily a zero matrix.
Problem 2: Let
Then show that A2 – 4A + 7I = O.
Using this result, calculate A5 also.
Problem 3: Find values of a and b if A = B, where
Solution: Given that A = B. So, every element of A will be equal to B
a + 4 = 2a + 2
2a – a = 4 – 2
a = 2.
b2 + 2 = 3b
b2 – 3b + 2 = 0
b2 – 2b – b + 2 = 0
b(b–2) – 1(b–2) = 0
(b–1)(b–2) = 0
b = 1, 2.
(Session 2025 - 26)