JEE Chemistry
Hybridization of NO3

Hybridization of NO3

The nitrate ion (NO3) is a polyatomic ion with distinctive properties. Let’s understand hybridization of NO3and how to find the hybridization of NO3.

1.0Introduction to Hybridization of NO3

Molecule’s Name


Chemical Formula



Trigonal planar



Bond Angles



generally soluble in water

The nitrogen atom in the nitrate ion (NO3) undergoes sp² hybridization, forming three equivalent sp² hybrid orbitals that participate in sigma bonds with three oxygen atoms. The resulting molecular geometry is trigonal planar.

The nitrate ion (NO3) exhibits sp² hybridization on the central nitrogen atom. The Lewis structure of nitrate can be used to determine its hybridization. Here's a step-by-step explanation:

1. Lewis Structure :

  • Nitrate (NO3) has three oxygen atoms bonded to a central nitrogen atom.
  • The Lewis structure is represented as:

Lewis Structure

2. Valence Electrons :

  • Nitrogen contributes 5 valence electrons, and each oxygen contributes 6 valence electrons.

3. Bonding Pairs and Lone Pairs :

  • The central nitrogen forms one double bond with one oxygen (N=O) and two single bonds with the other two oxygens (N−O).
  • There are a total of three bonding pairs and no lone pairs on nitrogen.

4. Hybridization :

  • Nitrogen forms three sigma (σ) bonds, indicating sp² hybridization.
  • The 2s and two 2p orbitals on nitrogen undergo sp² hybridization to form three sp² hybrid orbitals.
  • These hybrid orbitals are used to overlap with the orbitals of the three surrounding oxygen atoms.

Hybridization of no3

Geometry and Bond Angle of NO3 -

In the nitrate ion (NO3), the central nitrogen atom is bonded to three oxygen atoms. The molecular geometry of the nitrate ion is trigonal planar. The bond angles between the nitrogen-oxygen bonds are 120 degrees. This trigonal planar geometry arises from the fact that nitrogen undergoes sp2 hybridization.

In more detail:

Hybridization of Nitrogen:

The nitrogen atom undergoes sp2 hybridization, where one 2s orbital and two 2p orbitals combine to form three sp2 hybrid orbitals.

These three sp2 hybrid orbitals arrange themselves in a trigonal planar geometry around the nitrogen atom.

Bond Angles:

Each of the three oxygen atoms forms a sigma bond with the nitrogen atom, and the resulting bond angles are 120 degrees.

So, in summary, the NO3 ion exhibits a trigonal planar molecular geometry with bond angles of 120 degrees.

2.0General Properties of Nitrate (NO3)

  • Ionic Nature: Nitrate is an inorganic anion, commonly found in various salts such as potassium nitrate (KNO3), sodium nitrate (NaNO3), and ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3).
  • Common Sources: Nitrate ions can be found naturally in soil, water bodies, and the atmosphere. They are also produced synthetically for various industrial purposes, including fertilizer production.
  • Role in Nitrogen Cycle: Nitrate is an important component in the nitrogen cycle, where it serves as a source of nitrogen for plants. It can be taken up by plant roots and utilized in the synthesis of amino acids, proteins, and other essential compounds.
  • Health Concerns: High concentrations of nitrate in drinking water can pose health risks, especially for infants, as it can lead to methemoglobinemia (also known as blue baby syndrome), a condition where oxygen transport in the blood is impaired.
  • Environmental Impact: Excessive use of nitrate-containing fertilizers can lead to nitrate leaching into groundwater, causing pollution. Additionally, agricultural runoff containing nitrates can contribute to eutrophication in water bodies, leading to algae blooms and oxygen depletion.
Frequently Asked Questions

One 2s orbital and two 2p orbitals on nitrogen participate in the sp² hybridization.

NO₃– is a polar molecule due to the presence of polar covalent bonds and the trigonal planar geometry, which results in an uneven distribution of charge.

The sp² hybridization of nitrogen allows for the formation of strong sigma bonds and influences the ion's reactivity in various chemical reactions.

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