JEE Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry

Inorganic Chemistry

Inorganic Chemistry plays an important role in understanding and utilizing the diverse array of elements and compounds beyond those containing carbon-hydrogen bonds, contributing to advancements in technology, industry, and materials science.

1.0What is Inorganic Chemistry?

Inorganic Chemistry

Inorganic Chemistry is basically the opposite of Organic Chemistry. It contains substances without carbon-hydrogen bonding, such as metals, salts, and minerals. On Earth, there are approximately 100,000 known inorganic compounds. Inorganic chemistry studies the behavior, properties, and physical and chemical characteristics of these compounds.

2.0Inorganic Chemistry Chapters

Chapters mainly discussed in inorganic chemistry and their brief introduction are shared below-

Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties

The periodic table organizes elements by increasing atomic number, reflecting recurring chemical properties known as periodicity. Periodic trends such as atomic radius, ionization energy, electron affinity, and electronegativity arise from the arrangement of electrons and the effective nuclear charge. Elements in the same group have similar chemical properties due to their valence electron configurations, while properties change predictably across a period due to increasing nuclear charge.

After completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the below questions which are important from an exam’s perspective-

  • How do atomic radii change across a period and down a group in the periodic table?
  • Explain why ionization energy generally increases across a period.

Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure



Types of Bonds

- Ionic Bonds: Formed by the transfer of electrons

- Covalent Bonds: Formed by sharing electrons

- Metallic Bonds: Formed by delocalization of electrons

Bonding Theories

- Valence Bond Theory (VBT): Explains bonding through hybridization\

- Molecular Orbital Theory (MOT): Describes bonding using molecular orbitals

Molecular Geometry

Predicted by VSEPR theory (Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion)

Bond Polarity

Determined by electronegativity differences and molecular shape.

Understanding Molecular Structure

Key concepts include molecular geometry and bond polarity, crucial for predicting molecular structure and reactivity.

After completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the below questions, which are important from an exam’s perspective-

  • Describe the difference between ionic and covalent bonds.
  • How does VSEPR theory predict the shape of a molecule with four bonding pairs and no lone pairs?

Coordination Compounds




Central metal atom or ion bonded to surrounding ligands


Specifies the number and type of ligands and the metal's oxidation state


Crystal Field Theory (CFT): Describes electronic structure, color, and magnetism

Ligand Field Theory: Extends CFT to include molecular orbital considerations


Biological systems (e.g., haemoglobin)

Industrial catalysis (e.g., catalysts for chemical reactions)

Materials science (e.g., development of new materials with specific properties)

After completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the below questions, which are important from an exam’s perspective-

  • What is the coordination number of the central metal ion in [Fe(CN)₆]³⁻?
  • Explain how crystal field theory accounts for the color of transition metal complexes.

p-Block Elements

p-Block Elements group 13-14


Elements Included



Group 13 (Boron Family)

Boron, Aluminum, Gallium, Indium, Thallium

Includes metals and a metalloid (boron)

Materials, alloys, and electronics

Group 14 (Carbon Family)

Carbon, Silicon, Germanium, Tin, Lead

Contains nonmetals, metalloids, and metals

Semiconductors (silicon, germanium), organic compounds (carbon)

p-Block Elements group 15-18

Group 15 (Nitrogen Family)

Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Arsenic, Antimony, Bismuth

Includes nonmetals, metalloids, and metals

Fertilizers, biochemistry, and alloys

Group 16 (Oxygen Family)

Oxygen, Sulfur, Selenium, Tellurium, Polonium

Contains nonmetals, metalloids, and metals

Biochemistry (oxygen), industrial chemicals (sulfur)

Group 17 (Halogens)

Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine, Astatine

Highly reactive nonmetals

Disinfectants, halogen lamps, and pharmaceuticals

Group 18 (Noble Gases)

Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton, Xenon, Radon

Inert gases with low reactivity

Lighting (neon signs), inert environments (argon), medical imaging (xenon)

After completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the below questions, which are important from an exam’s perspective-

  • Discuss the trends in reactivity within the halogen group (Group 17).
  • How does the structure of graphite differ from that of diamond, and what are the implications for their properties?

d and f Block Elements

Element Block



d-Block Elements (Transition Metals)

- Partially filled d-orbitals

- High melting points

- Multiple oxidation states

- Catalytic properties

- Alloys (e.g., steel) 

- Catalysts (e.g., in chemical reactions)

 - Electronic devices (e.g., copper in wiring)

f-Block Elements (Inner Transition Metals)

- Lanthanides and actinides

- Magnetic properties

- Phosphorescent properties

- Radioactive properties

- Electronics (e.g., lanthanides in screens)

- Nuclear energy (e.g., uranium in reactors)

- Medicine (e.g., radiotherapy)

After completion of this chapter, you will be able to answer the below questions, which are important from an exam’s perspective-

  • Why are transition metals often used as catalysts in chemical reactions?
  • Describe the unique electronic configuration of lanthanides and its effect on their chemical properties.

3.0Chemistry Books for Inorganic Chemistry

Chemistry is often regarded as the highest-scoring section in Competitive exams like JEE and NEET. Thorough preparation, coupled with the use of quality study materials or books, especially focusing on the best books for exam preparation, and a strong command of chemistry can contribute to securing a meritorious position in the examination.

For Chemistry, candidates should study the below-mentioned books : 

  • NCERT Chemistry Class 11 Textbook
  • NCERT Chemistry Class 12 Textbook
  • ALLEN Study Material and RACEs
  • Concise Inorganic Chemistry by JD Lee
  • Housecraft-inorganic Chemistry

4.0Applications of Inorganic Chemistry

Apart from academic importance Inorganic chemistry has so many important applications in various fields, which are:

Medicine: in metal-based drugs (e.g., cisplatin), diagnostic agents (e.g., MRI contrast), and radiotherapy.

Catalysis: Essential for industrial processes like the Haber process for ammonia synthesis and catalytic converters in vehicles.

Materials Science: Involves the creation of superconductors, semiconductors, ceramics, and nanomaterials for electronics and construction.

Environmental Applications: Applied in pollution control, water treatment, green chemistry initiatives, and renewable energy technologies like solar cells.

Agriculture: Produces fertilizers, pest control chemicals, and soil conditioners.

Electronics: Crucial for manufacturing components like silicon chips, LEDs, and magnetic materials.

Industrial Processes: Used in the production of pigments, coatings, and glass.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Organic chemistry focuses on compounds that contain carbon-hydrogen bonds, while inorganic chemistry deals with compounds that do not contain these bonds. Inorganic chemistry includes metals, salts, and minerals, whereas organic chemistry primarily involves carbon-based molecules.

Transition metals, found in the d-block of the periodic table, have partially filled d-orbitals. They are known for their high melting points, multiple oxidation states, and catalytic properties. Transition metals are used in alloys, catalysts, and electronic devices.

Lanthanides and actinides, part of the f-block elements, have unique magnetic, phosphorescent, and radioactive properties. They are used in electronics, nuclear energy, and medical applications.

(Session 2024 - 25)

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