JEE Maths
Determinants and Matrices

Determinants and Matrices

Matrices are grids of numbers organized in rows and columns. They're used to solve equations and describe transformations in math.

Determinants are special numbers calculated from square matrices. They help find areas, volumes, and solve equations in geometry and algebra.

1.0What Are Matrices and Determinants?

A matrix is a structured arrangement of numbers or functions, organized in rows and columns. Each individual number or function within the matrix is referred to as an element or entry.

A determinant is a scalar value derived from a square matrix. It provides essential information about the matrix, such as whether it is invertible (non-singular) or not (singular). Determinants are used in solving systems of linear equations, finding areas and volumes, and in various calculations in geometry and algebra. They play a crucial role in determining the properties of linear transformations represented by matrices.

2.0Difference Between Matrices and Determinants





A rectangular array of numbers arranged in rows and columns.

A scalar value derived from a square matrix.


Consists of multiple rows and columns.

A single numerical value.


Can be any size (m x n), where m and n are positive integers.

Only defined for square matrices (n x n).


Used to represent and solve systems of linear equations, transformations, and data structures.

Determines properties of a matrix, such as invertibility and volume calculations.


Widely used in fields like physics, engineering, computer science, and economics for various computations.

Used in solving linear equations, finding areas, volumes, and in various geometric and algebraic computations.


A matrix itself may be invertible if it has a non-zero determinant.

Indicates if a matrix is invertible (non-zero) or not (zero).


For the matrix

, the determinant is 1(4) – 2(3) = –2.

3.0Properties of Matrices and Determinants


Properties of Matrices

Properties of Determinants


Matrices of the exact dimensions can be added element wise.

Not applicable to determinants.

Scalar Multiplication

Each element of a matrix can be scaled by multiplying it with a scalar.

Multiplying a determinant by a scalar multiplies any row or column of the determinant by the scalar.

Matrix Multiplication

Matrices can be multiplied when the number of columns in the first matrix corresponds to the number of rows in the second matrix.

The determinant of the product of two matrices is the product of their determinants.


The transpose of a matrix is obtained by swapping rows with columns.

The determinant of a transposed matrix is equal to the determinant of the original matrix.


A matrix can be inverted if its determinant is not zero.

A matrix has a non-zero determinant if and only if it is invertible.

Identity Element

The identity matrix I serves as the multiplicative identity.

The determinant value of the identity matrix is always equal to 1.

Zero Element

The zero matrix has all elements equal to zero.

The determinant of the zero matrix is 0.

Linear Combination

A linear combination of matrices involves multiplying matrices by scalars and adding them.

Determinants do not directly involve linear combinations.

Row Operations

Certain row operations change the matrix but have specific effects on the determinant. 

Swapping rows changes the sign, scaling a row scales the determinant, and adding a multiple of one row to another doesn't change the determinant. Directly related to row operations, which help in finding the determinant value.


Matrices have eigenvalues, which are found using the characteristic polynomial.

The product of a matrix's eigenvalues equals the determinant.


The trace of a matrix is obtained by summing its diagonal elements.

No direct equivalent but related to eigenvalues and characteristic polynomials.

Symmetric Properties

A symmetric matrix is equal to its transpose.

The determinant of a symmetric matrix has special properties, like being real if the matrix is real.

4.0Matrices and Determinants Solved Examples 

Example 1: Find the value of x, y, z and w which satisfy the matrix equation


As the given matrices are equal so their corresponding elements are equal.


2 x=-4

x=-2 ...(i)

2 y+x=0

2 y-2=0 [from (i)]

y=1 ...(ii)


z=4 ...(iii)

4 w-8=2 w

2 w=8

w=4 ...(iv)

Example 2: If A=

(zero matrix), then D matrix will be-





Ans. (C)


Let D=

Example 3: If =O, then the value of is

(A) –1 (B) 0 (C) 1 (D) 2

Ans. (A)


The LHS of the equation



Thus 4 x+4=0 ; x=-1

Example 4: If A, B are two matrices such that A+B= then find AB.


Given A+B=         ...(i)     &


Adding (i) & (ii)

Subtracting (ii) from (i)


Example 5: The value of is  

(A) 213 (B) –231 (C) 231 (D) 39 

Ans. (C)


Example 6: If =0, find .


Example 7: If in the determinant , where is cofactor of element then x= 

(A) 2 (B) –2 (C)  (D)

Ans. (C)


Example 8: If =0, is?

(A) 2 (B) 1 (C) –1 (D) 0

Ans. (B)


Applying =0

5.0Matrices and Determinants Practice problems

1. If , then find the value of x+y+a+b

(A) 1 (B) –1 (C) –3 (D) 5

2. Find the value of :

(A) –2 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) –3

3. Let A=such that |A|=0, then maximum value of x+y+z is 

(A) 3 (B) 0 (C) 1 (D) 2

4. If α, β & γ are the roots of the equation , then the value of the determinant =

(A) p (B) q (C) p^2 \_2 q (D) none

5. If are non-zero real numbers, then D==

(A) abc (B) a2b2c2 (C) bc + ca +ab   (D) zero













6.0Sample Questions on Determinants and Matrices

Q. How do you add two matrices?

Ans: To add two matrices, they must have the same dimensions. You add corresponding elements from each matrix. For example, given matrices A and B:


The sum A + B is:


Q. How is the determinant of a matrix calculated?

Ans: For a 2 × 2 matrix , the determinant is calculated as ad – bc. For larger matrices, determinants can be calculated using cofactor expansion, row reduction, or other methods. For example, for a 3 × 3 matrix , the determinant is a(ei – fh) – b(di – fg) + c(dh – eg).

Q. What is the trace of a matrix?

Ans: The trace of a square matrix is the sum of its diagonal elements. For example, for the matrix \left(\begin{array}{ll}1 & 2 \\3 & 4\end{array}\right), the trace is 1 + 4 = 5. The trace has various applications, particularly in the study of eigenvalues and matrix invariants.

Frequently Asked Questions

A matrix is a structured arrangement of numbers or functions, organized in rows and columns. Each individual number or function within the matrix is referred to as an element or entry.

A determinant is a single numerical value derived from a square matrix. It offers essential insights into the matrix's properties, such as its invertibility. Determinants are pivotal in solving systems of linear equations, computing areas and volumes, and finding solutions in geometry and algebraic contexts.

If the determinant of a matrix equals zero, the matrix is considered singular, meaning it is not invertible. This implies that the system of equations represented by the matrix does not have a unique solution, and in geometric terms, it means the vectors forming the matrix are linearly dependent.

(Session 2024 - 25)

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