National Children Science Congress

National Children's Science Congress (NCSC)

National Children's Science Congress is a nationwide Science Communication program that started in 1993. It is organized through the State Organizing Committee. District Organizing Committees are constituted for each district every year to conduct the District-Level Event of NCSC. It is a forum for children aged 10-17, both from the formal school system and those outside of school, to exhibit their creativity, innovativeness, and, more particularly, their ability to solve a societal problem experienced locally using scientific methods.

In this exam, a group of two children is formed. This group selects a locally specific problem under the focal theme and finds a solution to it. This program inculcates the spirit of scientific study and the ability to analyze a problem scientifically. This article will cover all aspects of the National Children's Science Congress (NCSC), including an overview, exam dates, eligibility, and recognition for the toppers.

1.0What is the NCSC Program?

The objective of the National Children's Science Congress (NCSC) program is to showcase the creativity and innovation of school children by using scientific methods to address local societal problems.

It embraces children from diverse geographic, linguistic, and cultural backgrounds, including children with disabilities. Through this program, children are empowered to positively impact their communities by applying scientific principles to real-world challenges.

2.0Exam Dates of the National Children's Science Congress NCSC

The National Children's Science Congress (NCSC) has no fixed annual exam date, and the dates can vary slightly from year to year. However, based on the year 2019, the NCSC is expected to be held annually in December.

3.0NCSC Exam Format

The National Children's Science Congress (NCSC) is structured outside a conventional syllabus. Instead, it provides a dynamic platform for students to demonstrate their scientific understanding and creativity through various formats.

Overview of the NCSC Format

  • Project Competition: Participants present their original research or scientific models based on annually changing themes. These themes align with contemporary scientific challenges, environmental issues, or technological innovations.
  • Exhibitions: Students showcase their projects and are assessed by a panel of judges. This segment also allows participants to interact with peers and visitors, discuss their work, and participate in lively debates.
  • Science Seminars and Workshops: Attendees explore a range of scientific topics through seminars and workshops, enhancing their knowledge and expanding their perspectives in the field.

4.0Eligibility for National Children's Science Congress 

To participate in the National Children's Science Congress Competition, students must meet the following requirements: 



Eligibility Age

Open to young scientists aged 10-17 as of December 31 of the calendar year.

Participant Diversity

Welcomes school-going and non-school children, including those from marginalized societies.

Age Categories

Lower age group: 10 to 14 years

Upper age group: 14+ to 17 years

Project Guidelines

Up to two children can undertake a project study under the supervision of a guide teacher.

Role Continuity

A child who has previously led a group at the National Level can participate as a co-worker in the same age category in the following year.

Organizing Committee Restriction

Parents of participants cannot hold any position on the CSC organizing committee in the year their child competes.

5.0How to Participate in the NCSC Exam?

A National Children's Science Congress (NCSC) is a project competition, not an exam. During the competition, students develop projects based on a yearly theme (announced in December) and compete at the school, district, state, and national levels. There isn't a single application form. You can find details and deadlines for each stage at your school or local science department.

6.0Purpose of Conducting the NCSC

This program was launched nationwide in 1993 under the nomenclature of the National Children's Science Congress (NCSC), with the expectation that it would generate scientific temperament among teachers and students and spread among the various stakeholders of society. 

  • The main objective behind the program is to provide a platform for school children to showcase their creativity, innovation, and problem-solving abilities. 
  • The program focuses on addressing local societal problems using scientific methods. 
  • The NCSC aims to foster scientific study, analytical thinking, and the application of scientific principles to real-world challenges. 
  • It embraces children from diverse backgrounds, including those with disabilities, and encourages their active participation in the program. 
  • By engaging young minds in scientific exploration, the NCSC aims to inspire a passion for science and empower children to impact their communities positively.
Frequently Asked Questions:

NCSC is typically held in December each year. The exact date is announced a few months in advance. For updates, check the NCSC website (http://www.ncsc.co.in/) or ask your school science teacher.

Both formal and non-formal education students can participate in the competition (as of December 31st of the competition year).

1. Stay updated on scientific news and developments. 2. Once the theme is announced, brainstorm project ideas that align with it. 3. Focus on developing solid scientific thinking and problem-solving skills. 4. Practice clear and confident communication to present your project effectively.

(Session 2024 - 25)

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